Eurovision – part 2

imageWhat a day.. first a great lunch with “my person” – pasta – which meant salad and meat for dinner. We need to see each other more often – once per month isn’t enough!

Then on my way home something scary happened – I had to get off the sub and go to a mall to pick up a few things and when I was waiting for my next subway someone all of a sudden crashed a window behind me and before I knew it glass rained down all over me. The crash was huge since the window wasn’t supposed to be able to break but the young man was MAD so he managed anyway. I had my guardian angel on my side because I didn’t get hurt or cut at all, but obviously I was a bit chocked and people came up to me and asked me if I was ok.

eurovision 2014Tonight it is the second part of the ESC to try out for the final on Saturday. 10 more happy countries are to be selected. So tonight we are cheering on Finland and Norway.

Result from Part 2: Switzerland, Slovenia, Poland, Romania, Norway, Greece, Malta, Belarus, Finland and Austria



2 Replies to “Eurovision – part 2”

  1. Lucky the mad man didn´t get on to you instead of the window. And I bet it was a big crash. Didn´t anyone of the subway staff ask if you were OK?

    1. Yes – I feel very lucky. No the subway staff didn’t ask me anything. Today there were a lot of guards at that station.

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