Castle of the month – Nynäs

Castle of the month of October – Nynäs Slott outside of Nyköping. My hubby has a cousin who lives in Nyköping and tonight we were invited to them for dinner. So, we decided to make a stop on the way and see this castle.

The first owner was Birgitta Jonsdotter back in 1328. The estate has then been mostly inherited and passed down in generations and only sold a couple of times. Various famous families have been the owners such as Grip, Gyllenstierna, Bonde, Anckarswärd, Hildebrandt and Gripenstedt who was the last family to own the property and sold it in 1984 to Sörmlands Läns Landsting.

The Gyllenstierna- family built the main building in the 17th century. Erik Gyllenstierna was a chamberlain to King Gustav II Adolf. The Gripenstedt-family took over the estate back in the 1850s and kept it as a summer residence. In 1967 parts of it was sold to the county counsil Landstinget and in 1972 the whole estate was classified as a nature reserve area. Landstinget opened the estate to the public in 1985 for guided tours. The National Museum owns all the collections and inventories in the castle.