Xmas day

A quiet morning relaxing a bit after Xmas eve. Doing the dishes and getting the house back in order again. Enjoying a nice morning off and looking forward to the afternoon at my parents together with my sis w/ family. 

We were treated a three course dinner with the main being the traditional beef roulades, which we love so much. Served with all the trimmings – green peas, carrots, gravy, boiled potatoes, home made currant jelly. Mmm. 

After dinner we had coffee and more treats and we played a game we have played since me and my sis were kids. And I think our dad did when he was younger too. One leaves the room and the rest agrees on something or someone to think about. Then the person re-enters the room and shall try to figure out what the rest of us are thinking about by asking yes/no questions. It can be quite difficult sometimes but also fun to see how you the guesser is moving forward getting closer to the correct answer. Thank you for a great evening!