Finally the last day of January – this month has been so very long for some reason. Slightly better weather today than yesterday – most of the snow is gone and it is a couple of degrees above 0C.
Tonight my dad picked me up and we went to cheer on our team as the “Handbollsligan” started up again after the break during the European Championships. We were facing Lugi which is in the bottom of the chart and we won 33-23. Don’t know when I can come along next time – I am otherwise busy the upcoming couple of games.
This morning it was really foggy when my hubby and son went to work. It had cleared up some when I left an hour later but still quite foggy.
A very busy day with a lot of meetings so the day went by rather quickly. Nice.
When I got back home we finished off some leftovers for dinner. Nice to sit down the four of us and have something to eat together. Love that we try to do so every day. As much as I long for my boys to be able to move to their own places – just as much I dread the day when they won’t be around every night. But, when that day come I will be fine, I’m sure. As long as they are happy and well.
Lunch date
Today my oldest came to pick me up after work and we went to have lunch in town. So nice to have some quality time and a good chat.
Someone from the electricity company stopped by to switch our electricity meter. Had to turn off everything for a little bit – great to have my jigsaw puzzle! Lol. When you don’t have any power you realize how much you depend on it for everything.
Made a rise and pork casserole for dinner. Now some corner-time watching the last couple of episodes of “Grantchester”.
Last gameday
This afternoon we played the bronze-game in this years European Championships of handball towards Germany and we managed to win. Fair and square. Perfect. This win also gave us a ticket to the Olympics this summer without having to further qualify. Perfect.
Made my own burgers for lunch and now we have had a chicken chili for dinner. Both turned out great.
We went to have a look around at Cervera today to see if we could find some new cutlery, but no such luck. It was nice to get out of the house for a bit though. I have been doing a pile of ironing while watch TV today – great to get that out of the way. Also we have made some more plans about the roadtrip we are thinking about later on this spring. Exciting!
No plans this weekend. Just the usual chores and trying to regain some new energy for next week. Working on my latest jigsaw puzzle (doing an old favorite with Peter Pan).
It’s been a sunny day but it is ice all over so I haven’t wanted to go out for a walk. No handball today – but tomorrow we will be playing for the bronze medal in the afternoon.
Our youngest went into town this afternoon to meat up with his friends. Our oldest might see his best friend tomorrow who has moved into his first apartment with his girlfriend. Fun. I hope he gets to go there.
Semi final 🇸🇪 vs 🇨🇵
Whoaa what a thrilling game! We got behind and France had a six score lead. But miraculously we managed to catch up and played the best second half I’ve ever seen.
We managed to be in the lead when France was granted a penalty shot in the last second. Scored. Overtime. And we lost. Bummer. Congrats France! Both goal keepers where amazing though.
Now we’re just waiting for “På spåret” to start.. If I can concentrate.. feeling a bit upset right now. It’s the finale so that will be fun!
Dinner out
Thursday already – and still not very pleasant weather outside. Had some sushi for lunch – we have a sushi restaurant in our office building which has excellent sushi. Perfect.
An old colleague came over to see our new office and after a look around we went to get some dinner at Eataly – another restaurant in our building. I had a Insalata con Gamberi – a shrimp salad which was delicious. It was great to see him again and catch up a bit – don’t think we’ve met since before the pandemic started.
Got home in time for our evening tea and a bowl of Greek yoghurt. Mm.
More snow
This morning it wasn’t very pleasant to go to the busstop – again. Snowing sideways and very slippery. Oh well. I managed to get there and didn’t have to wait very long for the bus, so that was good.
Short day today and I’ve been enjoying my afternoon off. No work for a change which was great. No handball for Sweden before Friday. Yesterday was a disaster with a big loss towards Norway. Don’t know what they were doing – hope they will get their stuff together in the semifinals towards France.
Made a nice dinner tonight with a slow cooked roast beef served with pasta and a creme fraiche-sauce. Mmm.
Water cleared
The community service came over last night and took care of all the water. Perfect. Much easier to go to the busstop today.
I took this photo tonight while waiting for the bus by the subway station. The moon is very nearly full tonight – give it a day or two more and it will be. The more while lights on the photo is the street lamp. The blue light is the moon.
Last game in the middle round tonight – this time facing Norway. But, it isn’t an important game since we are already thru to the semi finals. Facing France on Friday. One of the other two semi finalists are yet to be determined – Denmark is already thru. After tomorrow night we will know which team they are facing.
New week and a new level of challenges… It was so very slippery this morning – our busstop was completely covered with ice. So bad that our youngest texted us to warn us.
When arriving back home after work – after a day with rain and degrees above 0C – our street was completely flooded. With ice underneath. Nowhere to walk. Had to walk around the area and try to get to our house in one piece. Called the community service to report the disaster and they promised to fix it as soon as possible. But, so far they haven’t been here to sort it. Fingers crossed it will be better tomorrow.