Day off

This morning our youngest went to work and hubby has been working from home all day. They both are starting to feel better, thank God.

I had a day off from work but I’ve been a busy bee all day. Did all the ironing, some laundry, took away X-mas from our kitchen (besides the stars in the windows – they can be there for a while longer), started packing a bit more seriously and getting organized. Helped our oldest to go thru all of his clothes and put a big bag away for donation. Perfect. One step at a time. 

It’s been snowing all day long so I’ve been out three times to clear snow away. Only in front of the house though – I haven’t cleared the driveway. Now I’m going to start dinner before it’s time to cheer on our team in the quarter finale in the junior world cup. Facing Switzerland tonight. Hua. Fingers crossed they will go thru an be able to play for the medals.