
Long day today since I swapped yesterdays schedule. I wanted to stay late since we had tickets for the premier of the handball season tonight so we could go straight after work. So, me and my colleague went to grab something to eat when we got off work and then walked over to the arena to meet up with my parents and their friend. 

Great start of the tournament with a win 30-26 towards Malmö. And fun with a tifo to celebrate our team. A fun evening! Hopefully I will be able to sleep like a rock tonight. 

Change of plans

Tonight we were going to have a “pysselträff” with the girls but we had to postpone it a few weeks since two of my friends got sick. Oh well.

Went home and worked my afternoon from the house. Had a short day but needed to attend an online meeting. Now I’ve crashed for a bit while preparing dinner. Going to make chicken filets in the oven served with rise.

Yesterday it was only 3C in the morning and today it was back up to 17C again. It’s been raining off and on. So hard to know what to wear. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Favorite meal

This morning it was really cold outside with only 3C when we got up. Brrr. Wore my new fleece jacket under my regular jacket when I went to work. 

When I got back home I cleaned the house, did laundry and ironing. My parents stopped by and we had a quick coffee and a chat – nice! 

Made one of my favorite meals tonight – a liver casserole with mushrooms, onions and pancetta in a tomato sauce served with rice. Mmm. The boys don’t like it so I made them burgers with pasta. 

Game day

Today it was time for a difficult soccer game towards one of the better teams. I have never seen so many supporters from the other team – they filled their terrace – and gave their team great support. The stadium was almost filled with people (close to 27 000, I think).  

Special celebrations today due to an old Hammarby player, Kenta Ohlsson, turning 75 years old. They had made a special tifo to honor him – Mr Hammarby, as he is called. 

Our team lost 3-1 after a slow start. At the end they managed to get their game together but then it was too late. Oh well. My dad and I had a good time though and we arrived back home safely afterwards. 


A great Saturday with some me-time in the afternoon with a well over-due massage with my favorite masseur. Perfect. Have another appointment in 5 weeks to look forward to. 

Later on we drove up to Fruängen to take the subway into town to meet with three of my hubby’s cousins and their husband/boyfriends. We haven’t seen them for 20-some years so it was great fun and we had a lot to talk about. Four hours later we called it a night and left the restaurant. Hopefully next time the remaining three cousins will be able to attend too and let’s not wait this long again to make it happen. Thank you for a great evening! 

National flag day

Today is a national flag day due to our king celebrating 50 years on the throne. A temporary flag day – only for this year – due to the special anniversary. A lot of royalties and other country leaders are visiting Stockholm due to the celebrations and it will continue all weekend. 

I picked up some filet of beef on my way home and prepared a really nice dinner tonight. I thought we deserved a treat and a nice meal together. And it turned out pretty good. Oven baked it on a low temperature and served with potatoes gratin and a sauce bearnaise. Mmm. 

Long day

Had a slight headache when I woke up this morning – not a very good way to start the day. Had to take an aspirin at work which I very rarely do. But, after lunch I started to feel better.

Made a wok for the family tonight for dinner. A great way to make the protein last a bit longer. An easy dish to make and the whole family can eat the same dish. Perfect.

Memory lane

Tonight I met up with about 50 old colleagues that worked together at HP before the company bought Compaq back in 2002. Amazing.

It was like walking into a different timezone and everybody just had a great time catching up and sharing memories. This picture of Mr Hewlett and Mr Packard infront of the garage where it all started in California way back then was used in the invitation to this evening. It was also frequently used during the time I worked at HP as a reminder of the shared values and common goal. And I must say they succeeded with all these people still enjoying each others company after all these years. Already looking forward to the next time! 


Switched my afternoons around this week and worked a short day today.

Decided to treat my oldest to lunch so he picked me up from work and we went over to his favorite restaurant. It was so nice to spend some quality time with him away from home. 

Been a busy bee this afternoon doing laundry, ironing, cleaning a closet etc. Made pork teriyaki with rice for dinner. Now I’ve crashed for a bit before it is time to hug the pillow. 

Installation of art

New week again and I feel quite tired even though we have had a good weekend with plenty of time to relax. Short day to start the week which is nice. Strolled thru the city after work and ran across this new art installation on Drottninggatan. Apparently the same artist did this 30 years ago and now it was done again. It’s called “Die for you / strike root” and the artist is called Charlotte Gyllenhammar. It felt quite weird to look at this giant oak upside down hanging above the street. It will be here for 2 months. 

Now I’ve had some lunch and dinner is in the oven. A few hours to breathe and catch up on some series on tv. First out “Call the midwife”  – one of my favorite series.