No energy

For some reason my energy levels are really low right now and I can’t seem to regain enough energy while sleeping either. A lot of new projects at work that occupies my mind. And still almost four weeks before it is time for a long break. 

Our honey lilies are in bloom now – I love them! I planted them a few years ago and they keep coming back every year. Perfect. 

Sunny lovely day today – no rain at all. Our garden would love for some more rain after this long drought and I think there will be some in a day or two. Fingers crossed there will be no rain on Friday though when we are celebrating midsummer and hopefully can enjoy our meals outside. 

More rain

New week and it was quite a grey start of the day. When I left work heaven opened up and it was raining cats and dogs. Lol. I was going to run some errands but I had to skip it due to the heavy rainfall. Oh well.

I have had a quiet afternoon and plenty of time to do a roast in the oven for dinner. It turned out pretty good and I served it with oven baked potatoes.

Now some corner time and maybe a cup of tea before it is time to hug my pillow.


Sunday and today it has been raining more or less all day. Great for our garden and especially our roses are happy. The white/pink ones are starting to bloom and the yellow ones will probably be next. Lovely. 

We went to the mall by IKEA for a quick stroll around and found a few things both me and my hubby. I don’t like buying clothes – don’t like what the stores have to offer. 

Going to make a bolognese for dinner, I think. Nice comfort food on a rainy day. 

Castle of the month – Ulriksdal

We are keeping up our tradition of visiting one castle per month. This year our king celebrates 50 years on the throne and our country celebrates 500 years since Gustav Vasa was elected king back in 1523.

Castle of this month was Ulriksdals Slott in Bergshamra. We took a guided tour around the castle and also visited the orangery which was included in the guided tour fee. The castle was built back in 1640 and was originally called Jakobsdals Slott after the man who had it built – Jakob De la Gardie. It was later sold to queen dowager Ulrika Eleonora who gave it to her grandson, Ulrik, as a christening gift back in 1684 and it then changed name to Ulriksdals Slott.

The castle café didn’t impress though so we had our afternoon coffee at home instead after a short visit to the Delicato outlet. Lol.

Movie night

“Extraction 2” – Friday movie night with Chris Hemsworth. Say no more.

Very tired after a week that felt endlessly long for some reason. It’s been so warm all week I have had trouble sleeping. So, I have tons of shortage of energy right now.

Picked up dinner tonight since we have done a good job finishing everything we bought last weekend when grocery shopping. I chose pasta frutti di mare – the others had kebab with fries and pizza. Now a glass of white while enjoying the movie.

Pyssel med E – Allsång – 16 jun

Ikväll samlades vi i Sjödalsparken för att vara med på Allsången där. Siw Malmqvist var med och uppträdde – vilken krutgumma! Kul! 

E hade fixat jättegod pastasallad, bakad bröd och en smarrig rulltårta med vispgrädde till dessert. Inte dumt. Vi hittade en plats i skuggan och njöt av god mat o kunde även sjunga med i sånghäftena som vi fick. 

Tyvärr var vi bara fyra som hade möjlighet att vara med ikväll men vi fick en väldigt mysig och trevlig sommaravslutning tillsammans. Tack för ikväll! 


Took a walk after work today and managed to find a new cover for my bus-card. Yeah. Have been looking for one for ages. 

Had a quiet afternoon catching up on some series on TV and going thru my mail. Made leftovers for dinner and they turned out ok. 

My youngest was accepted to the education he applied for. Yeah! He is starting in the fall for another 2-year training. *so proud* 


Not a very busy day at the office today due to a lot of people off to their kids graduations or last day of school before summer holiday. 

Met up with a dear friend for lunch whom I haven’t seen in quite a while. Lovely to see her again and chat for a bit. I had a shrimp sallad for lunch served with hummus and lentos. Mm. 

Another warm sunny day with temperature reaching for 30C. No rain in sight yet. I guess it will arrive in time for our vacation. Lol. 

New week

New week with new challenges. And a full week this time.

Got on the same subway as my niece this morning – love her company going to work! A great start of the day!

Short day and had lunch with a colleague in town before I went home. So nice to sit down and chat for a bit and enjoy some food in town. We went to Rg21 in Gallerian – and I had a fish-dish with haddock and potatoes. Not bad.

Made a wok for dinner tonight with some leftovers. Perfect. Now some corner time to end the first day of the week.

Sunday treat

Managed to sleep in a bit this morning. Lovely. After breakfast we worked some in the garden and after lunch we took a walk over to Josefs Iceream close to where we live and gave ourselves a Sunday treat. Mmm. 

A nice relaxing Sunday – just what we needed. M is away to see his friends so I made a lasagna for the three of us for dinner. Yum. 

Now some corner time watching another episode of “Morden i Helsingör” enjoying a glass of white. Would love another day of the weekend but I guess tomorrow it’s back to work again.