Rain ?

It was pouring down this morning. Probably good – I’m sure the garden is happy. I was less happy though. The bus arrived late and it had the heater on.. imagine a crowded bus full of people all wet from the rain and with the heater on. It was steaming in there. Not able to look out through the windows. Lol. Not nice. Everybody was gasping for air when we arrived at the end station.

When I got home after work there were a lot of good apples on the ground so I made an apple cake. We have a lot of apples this year. But one can only eat so many. Might put some in the freezer.


Short day at work and met up with a dear old friend for a quick 30-min lunch. She was very busy today but managed to take a break to see me. And we had a really nice chat – just what we both needed, I think.

Stopped to pick up some groceries on the way home and baked a couple of cheese pies to serve with the cray fish on Friday. Also made dinner and started on a few other preparations. Tonight we went to shop the last couple of things and tomorrow night we will tidy up the house.

It is so strange to not have my youngest around. I miss him but I am not worried about him. I’m sure he is fine and having a great time. Or at least I hope so. He deserves it so well.


This morning it was warm outside again. So strange – but very welcome to the freezing cold.

A busy Tuesday with a lot to do all day. I am hoping this semester will pass by quickly and with no major problems. I am really looking forward to our new office after the re-construction but I can’t say I enjoy all the chaos on the way. But, one step at a time. And it is fun to be involved in the project.


This morning it was freezing outside. 3C! Had to change to my jeans and put on my jacket before I left for work. Brrr.  But as the day went by it got warmer and when I left to go home it was 18C again. Much better.

Baked bread over night in our machine – so nice with warm bread for breakfast! And they usually turn out pretty good.

First week with only one son at home. A strange feeling but I am so very proud of both my boys! Makes my heart smile when I think about how far they both have come and how they have chosen to live their lives. May all their dreams come true!

Birthday party 

Sunday .. We got up early and rented a trailer to take the mountain of branches and sticks to the waste disposal site. We decided to get rid of the dead cypress pines in our front yard too and now we can enjoy figuring out what to plant there instead.

After lunch we have been to celebrate my youngest niece who turns 15 tomorrow. Quite the young lady! They treated us coffee and cake and we spent a few hours chatting and having a good time. Now we are back home again and I am baking some bread-sticks since we are having friends over on Friday. Thought I’d start with the preparations early!


The day has come to send our youngest off to his year away.  We met up with his friend and enjoyed a coffee together with his parents at the airport before it was time to say goodbye.

Now they have arrived at the school after a few hiccups along the way so we can relax and breathe again since we know he is where he is supposed to be and safe.

We have spent the day working outside cutting our hedge and other trees in the garden. But also cleaned our youngest’s room a bit extra thorough. And run a number of washing machines. And baked an apple crumble pie. And made dinner. And now I have deserved a glas of red..

Day off 

I took the day off today. My youngest is leaving tomorrow to attend a school abroad for a year and I wanted to spend the day with my boys. We have had a good day – just finishing his packing, enjoying meals and chatting. He will have a great year – I have no doubt about that. Otherwise I wouldn’t have agreed on letting him go. He is such a clever young man – and he will have so much use from this experience later on in life. When my parents agreed to let me go away for a year things were so different. No internet. No cellphones. No texting or chatting. No kik. No what’s-up. No Skype. No nothing. Just occasional phone-calls and loads of hand written letters sent with regular mail. And I was half way across the world. And didn’t come home for the school breaks or holidays. He will be a 2,5 hrs flight away and back home every other month. I can’t imagine the worry and agony my parents must have felt. But I do have a whole new sense of understanding of what they must have gone through. And I love them for letting me go and allowing me the opportunity of a life time.


This morning it was 6C outside. Brrrr. It still goes up to around 15-20C during the day, but the mornings are getting colder and colder. Fall is getting closer.

Treated myself sushi for lunch. Haven’t had that since before my vacation. And tonight my youngest had requested lasagna so that’s what we had. It turned out pretty good too – I made it yesterday when I had some time on my hands.


A good day. Met my old priest again – this time we sat next to each other on the subway and could have a nice chat going in to town. He works as a coach assisting boards of directors and companies to figure out how to reach their goals and how to handle different challenges they are faced with. It almost felt we met this morning for a reason. Sounds like the perfect person for me right now. We left each other with me having a good feeling about myself.

Then the day went by with me overcoming one problem after another. I managed to get hold of the people I needed to, got the answers I wanted and now I have had a good afternoon filling myself with positive energy. A good day.


A very long day spent waiting at the hospital while my youngest went through a check up before he leaves. 7 hours waiting = a lot of knitting done. I managed to complete almost half of the pillow today. Not much left now. And I love this pattern!

I have a lot on my mind right now and I am not sleeping so good for the moment. I would like to be a bit further in to the fall – both work-wise and at home. So many things to get through the next couple of weeks. Need to not stress out and keep my head straight. Breathe in – breathe out. One step at a time and it will be fine.