Time to get organized

The alarm clock went off at 05.50 this morning. On a Saturday. Puh. Oldest son had to get up and get ready to head off into KTH for a whole day of exams. With some luck he will get enough points on the exams to be able to use it for his imageapplication. Fingers crossed.

While he was busy thinking the rest of us have run errands getting organized for both his birthday and his graduation. We will not make a huge deal about it but something extra is a must. It is quite an achievement to graduate and of course this cause for celebrations!

Now let’s cheer on the semi-finals in hockey. I hope Finland will beat Russia – but it’s going to be hard with them being the host of the event and has huge support from the audience. In the other game I am all for the US, of course, but I think Canada will be impossible to beat.