Summer time


Today we changed time to adjust to summer time. I like this change much better than the winter time one. Even though I have to get up an hour earlier – I get to have lunch earlier, go home earlier, see my kids earlier and go to bed earlier. All pluses in my book.

Almost all snow is gone now. Just one last tiny pile left of the big one from shovelling the space where we park our car. The spring flowers are in bloom, we are getting the bikes ready for the season. A nice Sunday but not as nice as yesterday weather wise.  But a good day. Tomorrow a new week begins. Two more and then we are off to paradise.  Can’t wait.



What a day. No obligations.  Not having to be anywhere, do anything or be ready in time. For some reason things are easier to do then – so we have cleaned the windows, organized the youngests’ wardrobe, done laundry and all the ironing, prepared the outdoor furniture, bought groceries and started a nice roast dinner for tonight. And it’s only teatime. Lovely. Fortunately the whole family has helped – I’m still not well – and with clean windows, flowers in bloom and sunshine from a blue sky life isn’t so bad after all. 

Apple pie


Took another day to recover and rest my voice and gain some strength. Haven’t coughed so bad when I am able to stay quiet. Today it’s my last day on antibiotic.  Can’t say they helped but maybe they did. I still have a cold and I am very tired. But, I feel better than before.
My parents came over and it was great to see them and sit outside for a coffee and piece of apple pie with vanilla custard. Lovely.  A perfect treat and time together.



Relax.. be patient. It takes time. After finishing the antibiotic it might take up to eight (!!!) weeks for the cough to go away. Not the answer I was looking for. The doctor was not my favorite person that’s for sure. He said to go home and relax for a few days. Give it time. Oh well.

So, I have. Even took a long nap which is a real indicator I am not well. I don’t ever sleep during the day. Fingers crossed I will have my life back by next week.



Afternoon off. Time to relax. Made a wok lunch with veggies and shrimp. Then prepared a nice broccoli and ham pie for dinner (the recipe is in the cookbook if you’re interested.. )

Now some me-time. Don’t want to think about worries and problems. Need to focus on getting better. To stop coughing and regain my energy. Get my life back. Be able to spread my usual sunshine to the people around me. Soon.



Today it is the official waffle day in Sweden.  It is quite funny because it was originally called the “vårfrudagen” (Lady Day/Annunciation Day) – when Mary was told that she was expecting a baby. It was also the day when the spring farming operations began.
Somewhere along the line we started to eat waffles on this particular day – a dear tradition. 

They also say that the amount of snow that’s left on the roof at this particular day is the same amount that will be on the ground on April 30th, when we light the big bonfires to welcome spring. I guess we will just have to wait and see. No snow on the roofs today.


imageWhat a Monday morning.

The sun is already up – it’s like in the middle of the day even though it’s not even 7 o’clock. But it is freezing cold -4C (24F). On my way to work – another week ahead with new challenges.

Three more weeks then a nice break in paradise.  But a lot left to do before.


Have a great day!

Sunday dinner


A nice lazy Sunday ending with dinner at my parents-in-law. Lovely. Good food, excellent wine. I have no complaint.  Catching up a bit with our lives and worries.  Even though we live close we don’t see each other that much.

Tomorrow a new week starts. So far I don’t really see an effect of the antibiotic but hopefully I will notice a change soon. Otherwise I will have to go back to the doctor’s.  I still have a cold and a caugh in the morning and a slight fever off and on during the day. Hmmm…

Popcorn and salad


Big sacrifice for a couple of weeks. I’ve been really good this week with no extra sugar or fattening sauces. No sodas, no cookies and no candy all week.

I made a delicious salad for dinner with pan fried prawns, artichoke,  beans etc. And the Friday bowl of crips I’ve traded for a bowl of home popped popcorn.  But seriously – they are not good. Might go and steal some of the kids’ sourcream and onion crisps.. but I’m already treating myself a glass of wine.

Feeling better today – hopefully the antibiotic is doing what it’s supposed to do..



Spent the first half of the day at the hospital with my youngest for his shots.

He beat me twice in Fia. Hmmm… I am not sure he will beat me again next time…

Then off to work but I have no energy. OK- I surrender. So I went to the doctors. Again. After a whole semester with this flue in various stages today it escalated to a new level. The doctor prescribed antibiotic for 9 days. And some sort of nose spray for my sinuses.

Ok virus or bacteria – I’ve armed myself with new weapons. Let’s see who wins in the end.