Friday again


What a crazy week but now it is finally weekend and time to regain some energy. Hopefully it will not snow all weekend so I might dare to take a walk and enjoy some sunshine and blue sky.

The sign on the bus says “not in traffic” and that was not the destination I had in mind going home. But finally the bus with the correct sign came along and now I can enjoy the second run in the slalom race. Go Sweden!



What shall I make for dinner? Same difficult question every day. Yesterday I made “pyttipanna” – I cut all of our leftovers into tiny cubes and panfried it. So, no leftovers to finish off.

Lunch was a real treat today – we had client lunches in the office and since I had to buy and get their food I bought one for myself too. A bento box. Filled with 5-6 different Japanese dishes. Yum. Just a sample of each. Sushi, yakiniku, yakitori, spring roll, rise and veggies. And a pork of some sort with spicy sauce.  



Today I passed the Södertörn University – I really like the campus of that school. You can study economics, environment/ communication/ politics, media design, infectious disease control and environmental science here among other things.

It was a gorgeous day to day – the sunshine and blue sky just made my day.

Another hand-ball game just finished – this time against France.. but since we lost last night we are now out of reach of the semi finals. But – the good news is that we beat them for the first time in a decade. Too bad it didn’t help.

So – what do you think about this new layout? Feedback, pls!



Tonight my sons flip-a-trick class starts again. I remember when I used to have the same passion for gymnastics.  It is so rewarding to see him enjoy himself and that he has found something that gives him that extra energy.

While he is enjoying that I am going to enjoy the next hand-ball game.. we are facing Poland tonight. We need to win. I hope we do.

Pulled pork


What a great dish. You put it in the oven and leave it there for a whole day. And it turns out great. The pulled pork, I mean. Tried pulled beef the other weekend – did not turn out as good. Pork is our favorite.

Now it is time for an evening drink to finish off the weekend and to celebrate that we beat Russia in the way too exciting hand-ball game.   Cheers everyone! 

Snowy Saturday


Today it has been snowing all day. Non stop. It took a while to dig out the car so we could go grocery shopping. Now a nice roast is in the oven, potatoes ready to be next. Relaxing a bit before dinner and watching an old movie called “Nemesis Game”. Hoping for an equally good day tomorrow.

Have a nice evening! 



Hand-ball tonight. Group finals. We have already made it to the next level but it is an important game anyway. And so much fun to see!

Tonight I will enjoy a shrimp sallad for dinner while my boys eat pork tenderloin and fries. I would love to loose a few (read 10) kilos, but it seems very hard. To be honest I am not trying very hard..

Weekend – here I come!



A good Thursday has almost come to an end. Lunch with my best friend (way too long since our last date), good work, new curtains ironed and in place. Now I am dead tired crashed in my corner. Hoping for it to be my turn in wordfeud soon!

Wednesday treat


Nothing beats a great panfried flounder with boiled potatoes and vegetables. Especially in the middle of the week. That’s what I call a treat.

Now some me-time – corner & latte. Life is not so bad. 

-10C / 14F


Winter has really arrived. It was freezing this morning and quite beautiful with all the white snow covering the trees. What a wonderful wonderful world – like the song says.

Let’s hope it stays this pretty for a while but without the traffic hassle and chaos…