
A perfect day – with almost an April-feel to it. We have been imagebusy outdoors most of the day – my husband has primed the barge boards and my brother-in-law has finished the window ledges.

Since it was an absolutely gorgeous day we dragged the youngsters out for an hour walk. Wildly protesting but we didn’t listen and they survived – lol. It was a very nice stroll around the area.

Noimagew the kids are getting ready to go out and scare the neighbors. I have baked cupcakes and now a huge fillet of beef is cooking in the oven. Yuuum!

We have also experimented with a new kind of flammable pumpkin.. Turned out pretty good, ha?


One of the reasons we go down here every fall break is to get rid of all the wood and branches and stuff from our work on the houses and in the garden during the summer. We carry it all down to the beach and make a big bonfire. It is hard work but quite quickly done since we are so many and we all help. This year it was done even quicker since a neighbor came by imagewith his tractor and helped us with the last part.

The kids have roasted marshmallows over the fire and we had a picnic and enjoyed a coffee and the kids homemade cookies while tending to the fire.

In the afternoon my mother, my oldest niece and I went into town for a couple of hours. We found some fun things to buy besides the groceries we came for. I also purchased a garden work of art I have wanted to buy for a while now. It is a goat .. made of steel and coated with enamel.. and I love it.

Carve pumpkins

A very windy day here on Öland – so we have not been that much outdoors. We enjoyed ourselves inside instead carving pumpkins, baking chocolate chip cookies and made a huge imagelasagna for dinner.

We did go grocery shopping this morning to fill up some of the empty shelves in the pantry and fridge. The original plan was to hike back from the store (about 7k) but it was way too windy for that.

Another day in paradise – wish this week will last a long time.

Corner in paradise

First day has come to an end. Half-hour walks both before and after lunch. Spending time outdoors. Quite windy but very sunny and warm. Strange to have these high temperatures this late in the year. image

We have hung up all the pictures we brought with us down here and also put up some of the old ones. What a big difference a few things on the walls make! Amazing.

Now my brother-in-law and my nieces have arrived too for some quality time in our paradise. Mom treated us her great cooking tonight – tomorrow it is my turn to take over the job in the kitchen.

We could enjoy a fantastic sunset this afternoon – it sets already around 4.30 pm. Let’s hope for one each day we are here! Good for the soul.


Finally in paradise again. Trip went without any problems – no traffic at all and the weather was ok. A bit of rain here and there but nothing major.

imageNice and sunny when we got here and after a lovely cup of coffee we installed ourselves and unpacked.

Now my moms dinner awaits and then maybe a glas of red in my corner. Life is not so bad. And with this view few things can go wrong.


Lazy Sunday started out with giant slalom – the guys turn this time. All three made it to the second round. No medals.

Then soccer – Hammarby vs. GAIS. Important game. But, they only played 0-0. Would have been a lot better to have won. But, still a chance to advance to the highest league.

imageAn finally – team gymnastics competition for my youngest and his cousin. Huddinge Mix Open. Yeah! My sons team managed to get the bronze position and he was so proud! So was I of course. They competed in tumbling and jump and I think their performance on jump saved them! Good job!


Giant slalom

imagePremier weekend for the alpine ski team – starting with giant slalom in Sölden with the ladies. 5 of 7 Swedish ladies through to the second round. Not bad.

Inspired by the first run I took my husband to the sports store and bought him his birthday present. A bit early but the present was on sale right now – still early in the season and plenty to chose from. Got myself a set too. Won’t tell you what it was, just yet.

No winter feeling yet though and now it is pouring down outside. Pretty glad I don’t have any outdoor plans today. Making plans for our new bathroom – what carpet and wallpaper to chose and if we want to change anything else before we start the restoration.


I made it.. all the way through Friday. Can’t believe how tired we all are in the family. Really in need of fall break – some of us more than others. Spend some time with no (or hardly any) obligations. Curling up in a corner in imageparadise. With the fire place burning making that cozy sound in the background. Enjoying a latte or a glas of wine. Spending time with my parents. Kids – sorry teenagers (lol) – getting a well earned break and quality time with the family. Being in focus. Maybe carve some pumpkins. Being outdoors. Bonfire on the beach. Roasting marshmallows making smores. Can’t wait.


imageFirst half of the day at the hospital with my youngest for his vaccination.

Second half of the day at the office – special treat today to celebrate a colleagues birthday. We decided to switch the cake for cupcakes – very appreciated by everyone I think. I had a great chocolate flavored one with pistachio cream on top. It was delicious.

Bad news regarding our renovation project – the community has asked for a billion things in order to consider giving us permission so we will skip the whole thing. So sad. But we can’t drag this on forever – we don’t have the time or the energy. Oh well. Would love a hot bath or a massage right now. Or both.

Almost forgot


Mid week and one step closer to fall break. But who’s counting? Lol. My appointment was cancelled / postponed so I got the afternoon off. My youngest has started to take the bus to practise which is great for both of us. Allowed me to spend some more time cooking dinner – a casserole with pork and rise. Yum.