
imageThis long and dark Tuesday ended really well with a great evening together with my father and sister. Our dad managed to get us tickets to watch our favorite team – Hammarby – compete in soccer towards Östersund at our home arena Tele2Arena. 24.649 people were there – most of them cheering on our green-white pride and joy.  The game got unnecessarily exciting imagebut in the end they pulled themselves together and won 4-2 fair and square. Very important win. Only two games left this season and the top two teams automatically qualify for the highest league in soccer in Sweden. After this game we are in the lead but anything can still happen – it is very tight in the top this year. So, fingers crossed they will make it. The season is over in about a week.

Listen and enjoy! Just idag är jag stark.. 

Rain rain rain

Last week before the fall break begins.

IMG_20121018_213300A week not filled with anything in particular – just the regular stuff. Gymnastics practice, home work, church, hospital visit.. the usual. The grand finale will be on Sunday when my youngest and his cousin are competing in a gymnastics competition – the MixOpen. That will be great fun!

It has been raining all day today. Fall is really here. Can’t believe October has almost come to an end.

No sun on Sunday

“How was I so blind to miss you crumbling inside?
Is it too late now to fiIMG_20121113_073925x you? Let me make it right!
‘Cause there’ll be no sun on Sunday,
No reason for words to  rhyme
‘Cause if you’re bleeding, so am I.”

James Blunt is an amazing song- and lyrics writer. I treated myself some music sheets the other week and the stories told in his music are quite touching and emotional. I can relate to them and recognize myself in many ways.

Rainy lazy Sunday with not much energy to get all that domestic stuff done. Settled in my corner taking a step at a time. Catching up on some taped shows from last week. Enjoying a coffee. Soon time for my youngest to go to gymnastics practice. One more week – then fall break. We are all looking forward to the welcome change of scenery and carve some home grown pumpkins together!


What a day.. Me and my youngest have been working at the club championships for their youngest athletes. I was in charge of the entrance with some help of two gymnasts and my son was helping on the floor arranging the apparatus. It was quite fun but a long time between coffee- and potty-breaks.. lol.

Team imagegymnastics all weekend long. It is the European Championships on Iceland this weekend and the Swedish teams have been very successful.

1. Junior – mixed – second highest score in the qualifications but no medal in the finals

2. Junior – men – bronze

3. Junior – women – silver

4. Mixed – bronze

5. Men – silver

Pl. Team Floor Tumbling Trampet Total
1 Denmark 22,700 22,200 21,650 66,550
2 Sweden 23,050 20,900 21,750 65,700
3 Norway 21,966 18,400 19,450 59,816

6. Women – GOLD!

Pl. Team Floor Tumbling Trampet Total
1 Sweden 23,000 18,750 18,400 60,150
2 Iceland 23,216 18,200 18,050 59,466
3 Denmark 20,116 17,050 16,400 53,566

Go Sweden!


Fall is here in all its glory. The colorful leaves are decorating the pavements and trees and it is really a piece of art to enjoy outside right now. But it is getting colder – the temperaimageture is slowly going down and I think it was below 0C last night.

Tonight we have had dinner guests – my sister and her family have been here and it was really too long since we had one of these great get-togethers. We definitely need to try to see more of each other – fortunately we have fall-break to enjoy together except my sister will not join us. But the rest of their family will spend the break with us in our paradise.

A great gymnastics weekend with the European Championships in Team Gymnastics on Iceland. Fingers crossed Sweden will do well – all six teams have made it to the finals.



This rainy Thursday has gotten better by the minute..

imageWhen I went out for lunch I noticed that they had put up this sign in one of the empty shop premises right next to us.. Starbucks finally in Stockholm. They have only made it to our airports so far. But now they are opening a store in town. Yeah. Should be interesting to see if people prefer their coffee to the existing coffee shops already in the area. I bet they will get a lot of attention at first, but after a while it should be clear if the other ones will stand the competition or not.

When I got home from work I had received an email with great news! I had managed to come in 4th place with my photo I entered into the competition this summer. Wow. I am so proud!

Tiny steps

Spent half my day trying to fix a computer problem –image the support team needed me to re-start my computer and try new things a couple of times and since the problem had to do to with the switchboard in my computer I had to be disconnected every time and therefor had to call back again. One full hour of overtime later everything was up an running again. Except my patience.. Lol. Oh well.

Didn’t feel like swimming tonight so I made a grown-up decision and skipped it. My preliminary appointment this afternoon was cancelled – I was looking forward to that – the positive thing is that now I still have it ahead of me to look forward to instead of behind me. Positive thinking, remember?!


Came home and crashed after a long day. It’s been pretty productive and fun though. But, I still have a bit too much to dealimage with to be able to regain my energy as I should. But, after rain there is sunshine and it can’t be raining forever. Focus on the good things and think happy thoughts and eventually you will be able to fly, like Tinkerbell would say.

My youngest tried out for a more advanced gymnastics group and got accepted! I am so very proud of him. He is now competing on the same level as his cousin and therefor in the same competitions. So much fun! He has a lot of hard work ahead of himself – but he is enjoying it so much and never wants to skip practice.


What a day.image

I am so missing my tub. I could really need one of those hot baths, a few candles lit, moon and stars to view through the window in the roof. But, the renovation is still miles away.

Lunch at the hospital was not bad. My favorite – shrimp sandwich with a coffee. Would have preferred a lunch in town, but this was ok. Well needed to survive a long afternoon.

Smiling in the rain

It is raining today. A perfect day to stay in my corner and be lazy. My youngest is having a busy day so I’ll be a taxi-mom off and on all day. He has a lot of fun things going right now. Makes me smile. wpid-IMG_20140128_202956.jpg

My youngest niece is away competing in gymnastics all weekend. They did really well yesterday and with some luck they will be in the finals this afternoon. She is getting so good and has so much fun. Makes me smile!

Got excellent news this morning from another niece – we have some serious planning to do. It’ll be great and I can’t wait! Makes me smile!

A few more dark clouds still on my sky to take care of. Hopefully they will go away one by one. That too would make me smile.

PS! They made it to the finals as the 7th team out of 10. Fingers crossed now!! They are competing in the RC1 Landskrona.