Floor done

pebbleThis morning the plumbers were here before 7 to get the pipes done in order for the next worker to put in the carpet. He arrived sometime around lunch and now we have a pebble carpet in there. Yeah! Unfortunately he has covered it up with some sort of protection paper so I can’t show you just yet. On Monday he will return and put up the wallpapers. Then only a few more steps to complete.

Finally Friday – I need “fredagsmys” big time. I feel so exhausted with everything going on and my youngest has come down with some sort of flue and the rest of us aren’t in great shape either. We just had a wonderful fall break and after a few weeks back we have already used up all the energy we gained. Typical.


My oldest has been given a good exercise by his PE-teacher. The students have a choice between getting stronger, more flexible,  better shape, gain weight or loose weight. They need to write down a program with measurable steps that will helpwpid-IMG_20140110_141246.jpg them reach their goal. They will have a start-date and then an end-date when they will be re-measured and also evaluate if they managed to reach their goal – and if not, why so.

He has chosen to get more flexible and improve his build / posture which is great. Like many teenagers he spends a lot of time sitting down which is not great for his back. Let’s hope this program will do the trick! Yeah for good teachers!

One step at a time

Our never-ending project has finally reached the bottom.. meaning they will start re-building it now! We have received a green light as far as no mould or damage by damp. The carimagepenters have removed the old wallpaper and floor carpet, the plumbers have removed all the pipes. Now the carpet fitter is rebuilding the floor again and soon soon it will start looking like a proper bathroom again. One more week or so and then maybe it will be done.

Today it is extremely foggy outside – can barely see our neighbors house. It looks kind of spooky.

Red & yellow

This morning the world was presenting itself in amazing colors – the bright red berries and the light yellow leaves were really fantastic, so I had to take a picture. That happens a limageot – I take all sorts of pictures every day. It is a habit hard to break.

Long day at work today but I started the day with a 3k walk which was great. It’s been a while since I could do that for different reasons.

The bathroom is coming along slowly but surely. A lot of different people are here doing their bits – one fixing the floor, one the carpet, one the plumbing aso aso. Everybody need to wait for everybody else like a gigant puzzle. I hope they will finish the puzzle eventually.

Pyssel hos M – 10 nov 2014

Pysselkväll med ljus-tema! Vi har varit alldeles för upptagna för att hinna ses under hösten – men nu var det äntliimagegen dags!

Vi bjöds på en jättegod kycklinggryta med ris till middag och en tigerkaka till fikat som var helt fantastisk.

Vi klippte servetter och gjorde decoupage på ljus av olika slag. Ett alldeles lagom pyssel när alla ändå var ganska trötta efter en tuff höst. Hoppas vi hinner ses en sista gång innan året är slut – det blir i så fall en kväll med bagar/konditormössor på!

Järfälla Trupp Cup – Fathers day

Today it was my youngest turn to compete in team gymnastics. Yesterday my youngest niece managed to achieve one silver and one bronze medal in the same competition. Today it was the imageguys turn and they did really well. They managed to get one silver (tumbling) and two bronze medals (floor and trampette). I was a very proud mom and it was great to see them compete.

Today it is also Father’s Day – my husband was courted with English toffee which he loves. We have honored our fathers by raising the Swedish flag and also contacted them and shown them that we care. Hope you have had the best day, dad! <3

A n n i v e r s a r y

Today my blog celebrates 1 year. Amazing. I am so proud that I have been able to actually write a little something every day for a whole year. It has been a bit therapeutimageic for me – a moment to gather my thoughts and share something with anyone who is interested. I especially enjoy when you who reads this leave me a little comment or let me know you have been here.

Today me and my mother have spent the morning at the big food fair Mitt Kök. It was nice to be there early – not so crowded – and by lunchtime it was a bit too many people there but by then we were done with what we had came for. I bought a new frying pan and a few pots. My old ones have done their job and are definitely ready for retirement. And we also found a few goodies to enjoy such as toffee, cheese and luxury olives. That will be perfect with a glas of red tonight.

Friday treat


Fish & chips for lunch. Life is good. At this place they make it from raw fish and deep fry it right in front of you. And the fries are home made. This is a treat for sure and not to be enjoyed every week due to the crazy amount of calories (especially in the remoulade sauce..). But it is really really tasty.

Tonight I am not leaving my corner – I am so tired for some reason. The builders have emptied the bathroom now and made an even bigger mess. Oh well. They will be back on Monday.

I am going to enjoy a great dinner and then I will sit down with a glas of red and watch the Swedish Idol. Let’s hope they will do better tonight than last week when they sang very poorly AND the wrong person had to leave. Can’t have that.

First snow – Gustav Adolf

King Gustavus Adolphus the Great – Gustav II Adolf – died on November 6th, 1632. Traditionally a special pastry with his portrait made of chocolate or marzipan is eaten in Sweden this day every year to remember the king. He founded a lot of Swedish cities – Gothenburg for instance, and also reestablished Uppsala University.image

This morning it was some sort of snow / rain coming down making the back yard kind of white. It has been going on all day but it is so warm outside it the snow is gone the minute it lands on the ground.

This week has been one of those weeks but with a few perks. One more today having lunch with my best friend. That was very nice – just what we both needed. Hope we will find time soon again.

Good day

This morning it almost felt like snow will arrive any second. It was really cold and quite grey and foggy. The news promised degrees below zero C tomorrow so it might not be long now before winter arrives.

IMG_20121018_213300This afternoon I was finally able to get some me-time and saw my naprapath for the first time all fall. A well needed visit and I feel like a person again.

Now I just want to cuddle up in my corner and light a few candles and relax. If it was Friday I would have a glass of wine, but a coffee will be fine too.