One week already 

Can’t believe we have been here a whole week already. My mother and I went for a one-hour-walk and my youngest and his cousin went along to see if they could catch some pokemons. I really like this new game – my kids have never been outside this much before they started playing it. And not just outside – they take long walks and also want to come along when we go shopping and stuff. Yeah. It costs me a few megabytes but hey that’s ok.

Another fantastic day – and another bbq eve. Steaks tonight since it is Friday after all.


Today my parents-in-law, my husbands aunt and great aunt came over for a visit. They brought these fantastic goodies as a treat to go with the afternoon coffee. Yum! Need to take a long walk to get rid of the calories..

It was another great day and we sat outside for dinner and bbq some pork filets. It was a very nice day. We put in the new door too so some work got done as well.

Visit and meeting

Midweek. Tonight I went with  my dad and uncle to the yearly meeting with the friendship association that makes the decisions about our community here in Djupvik. It’s important to be there if they decide to vote about something so that we can have a say too.

Later in the evening an old friend of the family arrived with the bus from Stockholm to spend a couple of days with us. The sunset was spectacular – as most evenings when it’s been a clear day.

Another day in paradise 

What at great week and the prognosis is good the coming days too! We have been busy bees all day working on our house projects. We have managed to do quite a lot – and managed to make a few errors too. But, nothing we can’t fix fortunately. Today we had a name day in the family and went to get some goodies for afternoon coffee. A perfect excuse!


My oldest had to go take some blood tests and my sinus problems don’t seem to go away by themselves  so I booked an appointment at the clinic and we both went together. I did have sinusitis but I didn’t get antibiotics –
just advice to continue with the nose spray I have been using. Bummer. Patience is not my strongest part.

Tonight the teenagers went pokemon hunting and me and my mother took an hour long walk along the coast. It was quite windy but it was a nice stroll. We met up with the youngsters and we all walked together the last couple of kilometers.


Sunday. My dad and uncle have spent the entire day on the northern part of the island working on a track&field event. My sister and her oldest drove back to town for a few weeks of work before they return again. The rest of us have been at home – we managed to put in the wooden floor in our hall way – yeah! Tonight it was time for the yearly mill festival – Kvarnfesten. They celebrate 30 years this year. So we all went there for a bit before we went back home for a late dinner.


The day started with a dip in the ocean before breakfast – a tradition that goes way back in time. Old habits are hard to break – and it is a quite nice way to start the day. 19,5C in the ocean.

We didn’t do much today – did some laundry for my boys but other than that we just enjoyed the day and celebrated the one full day we have together in a while with some pink bubbly. Tomorrow my sister and oldest niece are going back home. 🙁


Short day at work – then home – pack the car and away we went. Got stuck in traffic in Södertälje due to the bridge being under construction and a traffic accident on top of that. But, 7,5 hrs later we arrived safely in our paradise. With the magical sunset and a glas of rosé to end the long day. It was great to see the boys again. And everyone else of course. Let summer vacation begin!

Getting closer 

Congratulations to our crown princess Victoria on her birthday! img_20160529_165621.jpgIt is a national flag-day but not a holiday so we all had to work today. It’s been quite a nice day today – but the real summer feel hasn’t arrived yet

Can’t wait to see my boys again – I know they are doing great and don’t miss me one bit – which makes being apart from them so much easier. But two weeks is more than enough – time to reunite the family again!


Had to stay a bit longer at work today – but got everything done. Twpid-wp-1443070990372.jpghen I went to the market and bought some tuna for dinner. We have never tried to grill tuna before but it turned out great. They had a great sauce made specially for the tuna fish at the market and it was lovely. Flavored with chili, ginger and sambal oelek. Quite spicy but delicious. We had invited my brother-in-law over for dinner and had a nice evening together. Trying to make some plans on what to bring to our paradise and what to buy down there.