Day of rest 

A day of rest.. to watch the robotic lawn mower do the work – nice.  I have been cleaning most of the day – got a bit crazy in the bathroom doing that extra mile I should do more often. Now it’s clean and it feels great! My youngest has escaped us today and is doing an all-night-lan with his friends. I have taken the day off tomorrow and will go and pick him up before lunch. Then I guess he will sleep all afternoon tomorrow.


Wouldn’t it be nice to win a lot of money to not have to worry about what things cost? A choose things without having to look at the price tag or rank things in which order to get what and which year? We’re not there yet. But slowly but surely we are able to make grander and grander choices and treat ourselves things that 30 years ago was way out of our league. Today we looked at spa-baths. A dream we’ve had since we bought the house. And maybe maybe it is a dream within our reach…

Long weekend awaits 

Finally Friday and my turn to have a long weekend. It was ok last weekend – I guess it was my turn to do the hours – but I have felt quite worn out lately so I really look forward to having some time off with my children and hubby. This morning it was a gorgeous day so I took a walk to the subway to get a good start of the day. After work I strolled over to Drottninggatan to look in some stores but no luck. Picked up some really nice sirloin steak on my way home and it turned out great on the grill. May the long weekend begin!

Cold morning

A day with all sorts of weather – starting with a very chilly morning with only 7C. Then some sunshine to be followed by clouds and quite windy. And now it is raining. Picked up some liters of strawberries on the way home – perfect evening treat!

My husband has spent two evenings crawling around our garden to install the new robotic lawn mower – and now he is done and it has started to do it’s job. Yeah!

Another rainy day .. ?

Started the day with a treat – arrived early in town and had some time on my hands before it was time to start the day at the office. Lovely. Some me-time in peace – the calm before the storm etc.

Wasted the afternoon running around getting nothing accomplished. I hate that. On the top of the misery the back of my left thigh has hurt pretty bad all day. Maybe the muscle got a bit too much attention Monday. If it doesn’t stop in a couple of days I might need to have it looked at. Took a nice bath tonight to relax it a bit.

Rainy day ?

Well needed rain – all day long. And a long day at work with some extra time afterwards too. Our garden will be very happy for the shower though.

Another thing to make our garden happy arrived today – a robotic lawn mower. Can’t wait to see it work its magic! We just need to install it..

New week 

A good start of this full week with another sunny lovely day. Short day at work and me-time afterwards with an appointment with my naprapath. Perfect!

My family decided to treat ourselves a dinner out followed by a movie. Do something out of the ordinary – we usually don’t go to movies on a school/work night. But, tonight we did and the movie was quite good! I loved the special effects and the use of a giljotin was taken to a whole new level… This was the 5th one of the Pirates of the Caribbean- movies.

Mors dag

A very very warm Mothers’ Day here in Stockholm – above 30C but quite windy. My boys gave me a new bracelet that keeps track of my steps, but unfortunately it didn’t work. But it was a nice thought. Maybe we can return it and get another one.

Tonight we have enjoyed my oldest niece who had her dance show – they are becoming so good! I am so proud!

A lovely mother’s day is coming to an end. Hope all you mothers out there had a great one!


I know – Mother’s day is tomorrow here in Sweden – but we have seen both of our mothers today. First my mother-in-law came round (with my father-in-law) for a quick visit. Then after lunch we went over to my parents for afternoon coffee since tomorrow is a full day with other things. My mom had prepared these goodies for us – yum! F drove the moped over there – he is starting to get around more and more! Me and my husband took a walk in the lovely weather – almost 30C and a bright sunny day! Lovely!


 A day in-between two working days “klämdag” – but I had to work. 8.30-17 instead of 9-15.30. Oh well. More over-time on my account.

My husband and youngest son went into town to see if they could do some shopping – they brought me lunch and brightened my day a bit. No luck with the shopping though. Not one thing. They need to improve in this area. They had fixed dinner when I got back from work and even picked me up by the subway station – perfect!

Today it is “Vilhelmina”‘s names day – my grandmas third name. I hope someone in my family along the line will name their little girl that.