
Saturday and no more vacation days this time – but a long weekend to enjoy!

We have been doing different house chores today and this afternoon I prepared a nice dinner for my troops. A lovely tenderloin steak with gratin and sauce bearnaise. Turned out really good, if I may say so.

No we are enjoying the last pieces of cheese left from Xmas along with a nice glass of red. We are watching a few more episodes of “The Count of Monte Cristo”while waiting for the semi finals to begin. Sweden managed to go thru and is facing Finland tonight. May the best team win. The other semi is between Czechia and the US.

Short drive

Another day off – the last one this time. Still an extended weekend ahead so that’s nice. Our youngest went to work and after lunch we took our oldest to see his friends. Then we had the afternoon to ourselves so we took a short drive over to Hågelby. This is where we had our wedding dinner almost 30 years ago. At the premises there is a small café and there we could enjoy some fika – coffee and a “hallongrotta” for me. Mmm. 

Hubby has been working with our kitchen lights since we got back home and I have kept out of his way – lol. 

It’s been a lovely sunny day again but -11C so even colder than yesterday. We didn’t take a walk today.. 

Quarter final

Today we tried a new car model – we have tried a few so far. Looking for an alternative for us to buy in a year or two and we are just trying to figure out which one we want next.

Afterwards we went to IKEA to buy a few things and then we went to the new grocery store – Matvärlden – to take a look around and also buy some food. There we found these Turkish and Arabic baklava and delights. Mmm.

This afternoon we went for a long walk together all three of us in the lovely sunny weather. It’s been very cold though with -8C this morning. Our youngest is working today and tomorrow.

Now I’m tucked in my corner cheering on our junior pride and joy playing the quarter finals towards Latvia. Hopefully we will play the same great game we have been so far and manage to go thru to the semi. Fingers crossed!

PS! We managed to win 3-2… But it was a close call. Hua.

Let 2025 begin

Winter came back with full force last night and now the garden is covered with snow again. Time to shovel some away to clear the way to the house and to get the car out if necessary. 

A lazy day – we slept in really late as a result after arriving back home at 3AM.. Now some corner time watching the traditional January 1st day-movie “Ivanhoe”. Well, the guys are not interested, of course, it’s just me – and most likely my sister in her house. 

No pizza tonight though – leftovers for us instead. We might order some pizza tomorrow instead when not half the city has the same intention. Lol. Happy New Year!