
What a strange week with not many people at the office. Looking forward to having them back next week – I prefer a busy office to a quiet one. But, we have managed to get some things done without interruption so that was great. 

Got home in time and have prepared some chocolate pudding for afters. Mm. Going to start dinner in a minute – a nice beef with potatoes on the menu tonight. Then a quiet evening to start a lovely weekend with fun elements. I’m ready. 


A very quiet day at work all the way up until the last couple of hours. Why can’t the tasks be spread out a bit instead of all coming the same time? Puh. 

We went out for a nice lunch today and took the dish-of-the-day which was a lovely cod-dish with potatoes and a white wine sauce. Mmm. 

Hubby had dinner on the table when I got home – chicken with rise. So nice. Now I’ve crashed for a bit – might take some of the chocolate cake from the other day. With a nice cup of tea. 


I made myself some Swedish hash when I got back from work as a late lunch. Served with a fried egg. Mmm. Perfect lunch, if you ask me. 

Ran some errands on my way home – great to have that done. Now I am doing some laundry among other things. 

We had a really nice celebration last night – thank you for making it so special for my youngest. So grateful to you all! 


Today is a special day – our youngest turns 25 years old. We woke up to a grey rainy day today, but I have raised the flag for him regardless. Tonight our family will be here to celebrate this special day and enjoy some “fika” together.

That night 25 years ago there was a snowstorm. We had to go to the hospital in the middle of the night – but we got there in time and our son was born early in the morning that snowy Friday.

You bring us so much joy and we are so very proud of you and the young man you have become. You and your brother are the center of our world and we love you to the moon and back!


This week a lot of schools are out – we call it a sportsweek or activity week. When the kids were little we used to book a cabin in the mountains and take them skiing. So, this week a lot of my colleagues are off with their kids and the office is rather empty.

Short day to start the week. I stopped on my way home to pick up some goodies for our guests tomorrow. When I got home I baked a cake and set the table so now we are ready to entertain. I work a long day tomorrow so I wanted to get as much done today as possible. Now I’ve crashed in my corner for a bit before it’s time to start dinner.

Butter buns

Yesterday I decided to get busy and prepare some butter buns. It is really not a very big job – takes a couple of hours but it is well spent time. Great to be ready for guests or just for a treat to the family.

Our youngest is working today too so he was up early to get ready. He is working next weekend too, he learnt yesterday. He has a very unpredictable schedule so hard to remember when and what hours he is scheduled to work.

A grey and almost rainy day with about 5C outside. My neck is a bit sore from the massage yesterday. Probably a well needed exercise but it was quite painful. Looking forward to my next session when we hopefully can focus on something other than a stiff shoulder.

Mello – 4

Tonight the Melodifestivalen takes place in Malmö. We decided to not meet up with friends this weekend for various reasons. So, a quiet evening with just the four of us. Our youngest has to work all weekend so it was good timing to make it an early night.

I could enjoy some me-time this afternoon – unfortunately at the same time as our team was playing an important game. I could watch it when I got home though and we won 3-0. We need one more win to qualify to the next level. Three teams have a shot at winning the group so it’s still an open game.

Part 4: 
1. Andreas Lundstedt – Vicious
2. Ella Tiritiello – Bara du är där – run-off vote
3. Tennessee Tears – Yours
4. KAJ – Bara bada bastu – finale
5. AmenA – Do good be better
6. Måns Zelmerlöw – Revolution – finale


Finally a big carrot dangling infront of us to look forward to. We have two special wedding anniversaries this fall – me and my hubby married for 30 years and my sis and her hubby married for 25 years. So, we decided to do something special just the four of us and have booked a cruise in-between our anniversaries. Yeah.

Survived this week and I actually managed to speak the same language as our programmer. Lol. So, we finally managed to understand each other and we could get the result that we were aiming for. Going to continue the work on Monday – but first a lovely weekend to enjoy.

Tiny steps

Busy day today with tiny steps forward to reach our set goal. But, the steps are in the right direction so that is great. I’m sure we will get there in time.

My neck is much better today. Puh. It was rather stiff this morning but as the day went by it felt better and better. Made a big wok with most of our leftovers tonight. Saved some other leftovers for my youngest who will be working this weekend and needs to bring lunch boxes with him. Perfect with the pasta bolognese from yesterday!

Another day with -10C and still quite lovely weather. Nice.


This morning it was even colder than yesterday with -12C. Brrr. But another lovely sunny day with clear blue skies. Lovely. 

I woke up with a sore neck – can’t tilt my head so good. Went to work but got off a bit early due to the neck pain. But, I’m sure I’ll be fine after some rest and a heated wheatbag on my shoulder. 

Not sure what to make for dinner tonight. Finished some leftovers when I got back home. Still plenty to choose from but not enough for everyone. Hm. I will probably have to make one dish each.