Last day working from our home, at least for a while. My work is encouraging us to work at least 3 days onsite as of next week but I think I will be there everyday to start with. Then we’ll see. I have so much to do the next couple of weeks – things that need to be done there. So, tonight after work I went to purchase a new monthly season ticket and boy had they become expensive since last time I bought one. 950kr. Urk.
Now I’ve packed my home-office in a backpack and maybe we can get our living room back again. Perfect. We still haven’t started on our bedroom renovation plans and once we do that we will need the extra space in the living room to store everything when we need to empty our bedroom. Can’t wait for it to be finished – can’t say I long as much for all the work getting there.
The building site across the street is making progress. Both houses up and almost done. Shall be interesting to see who our new neighbors are – don’t even know if the houses are sold yet or not.
Today it was decided to remove the last restrictions towards the covid-19 pandemic. Phase 4 completed. So, as of today and 568 days of restrictions later (I have been working from home for 561 days minus 2 days at the office), we are allowed to go back to work again and everything else we did before this started. Feels pretty unsafe and scary to just open up everything at once but I hope the government and the Public Health Agency know what they’re doing.
This morning me and a colleague held a presentation for the whole company. She was at the office and I was at home and our audience were both onsite and online. It went really well and we got a lot of appreciation afterwards. Made me happy.
Love my tulips and that I can enjoy them while I am working. Sure brightens up the day. Long busy day and not great weather. I hope it clears up because it would be so nice with some spa-time tonight after a day like this.
A very hectic week ahead and what better way than to start with a good lasagna dinner to get plenty of energy? Since I worked a short day today I had time to make one this afternoon. And plenty of leftovers to enjoy the next couple of days.
This will be the last week when we are working from our home. Feels strange to go back to the commuting life again but I’m sure we’ll get into it before we know it. I will work at our office on Friday and my husband will go in on Wednesday.
Today my youngest had class onsite and was gone most of the day. He had a good start and was happy with his day when he came back home. Yeah.
Another very busy day and today I helped outside. My hubby went to rent a trail after breakfast and then we have been carrying branches and raked cypress leaves all day to clear the back yard. Two turns to the waste disposal site and now we are done for now.
We enjoyed a nice Sunday dinner together. I love our dinners when I can spend some time as a family. Tomorrow my youngest will have his class in school but the rest of the week he will be studying from home.
My sis w/ family gave us these tulips last night. Love them! My first bouquet for the season.
A lovely Saturday with our usual chores. After lunch I took my oldest to his friends house and my youngest to get some new clothes. My hubby has been a busy bee all afternoon trimming the cypress hedge on our back. Our new neighbor is doing his side so they are working together. With a lot of hard work they will manage to finish today.
Oh – we have something fun to look forward to. Next weekend we will go to the movies and see the new Bond-movie “No time to die”. Yeah! We haven’t been to the movies in years. Can’t wait!
Today it is my American mothers 80th birthday – happy birthday to you! Wish I could be there and spend some time with you and dad. Anyway – I hope our surprise arrived safe and sound and that your near and dear ones give you a day to remember!
Best ending of a very long week – my sis w/ family came over for a pizza dinner. We sat inside our house for the first time in years. So special. Meant a lot to me. I hope we can do it again sometime soon.
A rainy long Thursday. No walk today. Just a quick errand after work to the local store across the street.
The building site opposite to us is making progress. House #2 is being put together. First floor in place. The big crane is right outside our bedroom and they start working before 6AM… I’m not very happy about that. But, hopefully they will be done soon.
The Hammarby-soccer game is shown in TV tonight so we’re tucked in our corners cheering on our team right now. Forza!
We bought some smoked salmon the other week and today I made a lovely salad with it and it was delicious. My hubby had potato salad with it instead.
A very busy long day at work and now I’m really tired. Taking a short break before it is time to start dinner.
It’s been really chilly today – only a few degrees above 0C this morning. The leaves are starting to turn into fall colors on some of the trees across the street. Fall is really on the way now.