
My best friend came down for a couple of days to visit. A tradition we started a few years ago that we both cherish very much. image

And what a day we have had! Finally a whole day with sunshine and no wind. I even swam in the ocean this morning even though the temperature was only 17.5C (or something like that). During the day it got closer to 19C so we have managed to get a couple of more dips in the ocean as the day went by.

We drove up to the local grocery store for some bits and pieces and then drove back along the coast to just enjoy the beautiful scenery. Tonight we have bbq:d chicken and oven baked new potatoes that we have grown ourselves. Luxury in life!

A couple of movies ended a perfect day – the last one was a real feel-good movie with Melissa McCarthy that I really love. “Identity Thief”. See it, if you haven’t already!