
I actually slept in for a bit this morning. The real truth is that I was up a few times last night – so I guess I was extra exhausted.

A nice quiet Saturday in my corner not doing too much is just what I need. My husband and youngest went to the Delicato imageoutlet and came back with my favorite – tosca covered mazarines. I just love it. Tosca cake has been a favorite all my life. If done right they are absolutely delicious. My grandmother made her own, from scratch, but I usually cheat and by the mix. Maybe I should try it some day – to make my own I mean. That sticky caramel is hard to resist.

One obligation today – become a taxi-mom this afternoon for the practice. Not too much of a strain and I am so happy he enjoys himself.


This has been a long week – I haven’t been able to sleep so well for some reason. Hopefully this weekend will allow me to get some energy back.

The week has been quite good though – filled with surprises and positive things. But also a few set-backs and tough imagenews to deal with. I hope things will work out. Those Taizé songs might come in handy in times like this.

I have enjoyed a great dinner – shrimps! Fortunately for me I’m the only one in my family who likes seafood so I get to enjoy all of it without having to share. The boys were served minute steak with home made oven baked potatoes and veggies. Everyone happy.

Have a great Friday eve everyone!


What a day. First half spent at the hospital with my youngest for his allergy vaccination with everything that goes with that. God I wish I could take a full paid day off days like this.image

Then on my way to work I got a text from a friend asking if I was free for lunch – perfect – just the break I needed.

A very busy afternoon later I walked home in the pouring rain and now everyone is fed and happy. Time to crash in my corner with my latte, an episode of Grey’s Anatomy and after that some great soccer.



This morning it was raining really bad so my new rain coat came in handy. It was just perfect. And the cars will see me miles away.. lol

Going home it had stopped raining but the sky looked a bit dramatic so it might start again any minute. The prognosis for this week includes a limageot of rain so I am glad I have my new coat to keep me dry.

Practice tonight.. I won’t be swimming since I have signed up to assist in the gymnastics group. They have made a router for all parents to help out with stuff during practice.

Have a great Wednesday!


image19 years ago me and my husband got married in Enskede Kyrka. The 19th anniversary is, in Sweden, called the “galon” one. The wedding site suggested I’d buy my husband new wellies or a mobile phone case. I decided to prepare a great dinner instead. My husband, on the other hand, actually bought me something in galon – an extremely bright pink rain coat. Perfect for the rainy fall days we have ahead of us. It was a great gift with a lot of thought and I love it! Almost look forward to those rainy days now!

New week

New week to look forward to. Treated my family freshlimagey made scones for breakfast yesterday since I was up early and couldn’t sleep. There were still some left this morning to enjoy!

Today after work I have been a good mom and baked some more, been grocery shopping and made dinner for a couple of days. I work late tomorrow and my youngest has practice so it is nice for him to be able to help himself to dinner when he comes home from school. He is quite handy around the kitchen but my home made lasagna is something he really appreciates so I decided to make one. Good to be able to go to a couple of hours of gym practice being fed and happy. And lasagna is just perfect to heat up in the micro wave oven.

Spiken 2014

This years edition of “Spiken” took place really early in the season. Usually it is later in October – last year it was almost mid November.

imageMy youngest decided to participate along with my husband, brother-in-law and best friend. They all did great and managed to improve their previous best results – Filip won first price and is now the proud owner of the challenge price which he has to return next year.

Unfortunately, there were no competitors in the event for the men 16-34 years old so the main price, the large “Spiken” (7 inch nail) remains with my parents until next year (they organize the event). Most of the competitors were competing in the veteran class – if you are older than 35.. There the competition was quite tough.

My mom and dad do an amazing job with this event every year and people really appreciate their hard work and my mothers home made cinnamon buns that we can enjoy during the price ceremony.


Today my youngest competed for the first time in gymnastics – 8 boys and 2 girls in a mixed team. They were really imagegood but didn’t quite make it to a medal position. Excellent first effort though! A few more competitions to look forward to this semester. Today it was VM = Värmdömästerskapen – all local teams except for our team as the only outsider.

Tonight we have enjoyed a lovely evening with my parents and they have treated us a great dinner and we helped them out with some computer and mobile issues. And tomorrow we have another family event – when the yearly running event takes place here in our forrest.

Cinnamon bun

imageTomorrow, October 4th, is a theme day in Sweden called “Kanelbullens dag” – the day of the cinnamon bun. We are very fond of our “fika” – coffee breaks – and highly appreciates them. So what could be better than a national celebration?!

And since tomorrow is a Saturday we celebrated it at work today – but I assume I will enjoy some “kanelbullar” tomorrow too! Want a good recipe – you can find one in my “kokbok” – right here.

The Americans have all kinds of national celebrations – I wonder if they have a special day for cinnamon buns.. ?


imageBusy Thursday – still a bit low on energy after all my exercises  and donating blood so I treated myself a pasta for lunch. They have a new place across the street where they serve freshly made pasta dishes cooked right in front of you. They are a bit too good to be honest – hard to stay away from.

My youngest went out running with his dad tonight. I am so proud that he did that. It is so good for him in more ways than one – and much more fun doing sports if you don’t get completely out of breath in no time. I hope they can make it a regular activity from now on.