Mello – 4

wpid-IMG_20140201_165152.jpgToday we have enjoyed a very nice brunch at the Elite Hotel Saltsjöqvarn to celebrate my aunts sisters birthday! It was very nice and the food was very good. So fun to meet everyone too!

The last part of the Melodifestivalen takes place tonight and we are invited to my sisters’ again. Our turn to bring the wine – but my husband is not well so we have to go without him. This winter has really been hard on us with one flue to the next for months. Now we need spring and a nice break in our paradise to regain some energy.

Straight to the finale: Anton Evald and Alcazar
Second chance: Ammotrack and Ellinor


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Tonight we are invited to my sister’s for coffee and ice-cream to watch the third part of the song contest together!

Today was quite emotional with a lot of great achievements sport wise getting our first gold in this Olympics.  Me and my oldest went shopping in town for a few hours – he needed a guide between the gaming stores.

Straight to the finale; Oscar Zia and Ace Wilder
Second chance; Outrigger and State of Drama

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The competition continuous – at our place this time. The 8 songs tonight were pretty tight.

Straight to finale: Sanna Nielsen and Panetoz
Second chance: JEM and Martin Stenmark

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Here we go. The first part of the yearly song contest. 4 competitions and a second chance before the grand finale.  Two competitors out of eight straight to the finale each week. Two competitors to the second chance each week.  Hmmm.. what shall we vote for? I think I put my money on Yohio and Helena Paparizou tonight.

Since over 20 years we have watched this event together with my sister and another dear friend and their families. We have dinner and enjoy a lovely evening together. So the next 5 Saturdays to look forward to.

PS! Straight to finale :Yohio and Ellen Benediktson
Second chance : Linus Svenning and Helena Paparizou