

A nice break in the middle of the week. Got home early. The sun was shining. I noticed the snowdrops had started to bloom in the back yard. A quiet time in my corner. With my computer, a nice latte and a minute to get my head together. A luxury everyone should be able to take time to do.

Healthy sushi


After a very long day I am finally on my way home. It’s close to 10 pm but we got a lot done so it was worth the hours.  Enjoyed a healthy sushi before I walked to the subway. It was pretty good actually.

Today the sun was shining from a clear blue sky. Let’s hope it will again tomorrow when I will be able to enjoy it.



What a day. Slowly returning to the real world again. Feeling a lot better and determined to get my life back as soon as possible. My neck has been killing me for a while and today I saw my naprapath again. Haven’t seen him in a while and as usual he worked miracles and I feel so much better. I have great confidence in him and I would be happy to recommend him to anyone in the need of a naprapath.

Made a healthy dinner with cod and broccoli – it was delicious if I may say so. My youngest is literally climbing a wall tonight – going to pick him and his friends up in a bit. Have a great eve!

Lazy Sunday


Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day and I went for a walk along the lake close to where we live. Today it is still sunny but the sky is cloudy and not blue.

We had a great time last night watching the finale in the song contest and I think Sanna will be a good representative for Sweden in the Eurovision song contest in May. 

Looking brighter


Felt really poorly this morning but as the day goes by I am starting to come alive again. Trying to relax and return to my usual self.

Today the sun came out for a little while. Can’t even remember when that happened last. The sky was blue and spring felt like it’s not too far away. But, now it’s cloudy and grey again..



Ok, the magic didn’t work.. so how about some help from a handsome mutant? Don’t know if he can cut out my bug – he located and cut out his own bug – but that seemed a bit drastic and dramatic to do on me. But, I don’t know if I could resist Hugh Jackman if he appeared on my doorstep offering his help.. lol

One more day in bed.. feel not quite fit for fight yet.. but I’m getting there I’m sure.

Elder wand


A quiet day at home resting my voice to keep me from coughing so much. Maybe some good old magic can cure me?  Just need to find that elder wand and destroy all the horcruxes to break the spell that has been casted upon me. Ideas anyone?

So – Cider House Rules ( I love Hallström movies) – then Deathly Hallows part one and two.



The never ending story.. on top of my cough I now have a cold too. So another visit to the doctors confirmed that it is still a virus, but my asthma is getting worse so new lovely drugs to try.. I really need to put this behind me and get on with things. So, I’m staying in bed for a few days to regain some energy and hopefully drive away some bad viruses.

Day off


A day of luxury.  A few hours of quality time with my mom. A nice coffee together. A good chat. ♡
And shopping for a birthday gift for dad. Mission accomplished.

Still grey and foggy outside. No weather that invites you to go for a long walk. So, a nice afternoon at home with my sons. Enjoying the last day of the winter break.

Klipp o fix


A couple of days off to relax and regain energy. Started my day with some me-time at my hairdresser. Lovely.

Then I made the kids pancakes and we had a nice lunch together.

I have been doing some chores too – a few rounds of laundry and a tour to throw away boxes, glass and tin-cans.

Almost time to start dinner.. chili with rise. Mmmm..