Sunday dinner


A nice lazy Sunday ending with dinner at my parents-in-law. Lovely. Good food, excellent wine. I have no complaint.  Catching up a bit with our lives and worries.  Even though we live close we don’t see each other that much.

Tomorrow a new week starts. So far I don’t really see an effect of the antibiotic but hopefully I will notice a change soon. Otherwise I will have to go back to the doctor’s.  I still have a cold and a caugh in the morning and a slight fever off and on during the day. Hmmm…

Popcorn and salad


Big sacrifice for a couple of weeks. I’ve been really good this week with no extra sugar or fattening sauces. No sodas, no cookies and no candy all week.

I made a delicious salad for dinner with pan fried prawns, artichoke,  beans etc. And the Friday bowl of crips I’ve traded for a bowl of home popped popcorn.  But seriously – they are not good. Might go and steal some of the kids’ sourcream and onion crisps.. but I’m already treating myself a glass of wine.

Feeling better today – hopefully the antibiotic is doing what it’s supposed to do..



Spent the first half of the day at the hospital with my youngest for his shots.

He beat me twice in Fia. Hmmm… I am not sure he will beat me again next time…

Then off to work but I have no energy. OK- I surrender. So I went to the doctors. Again. After a whole semester with this flue in various stages today it escalated to a new level. The doctor prescribed antibiotic for 9 days. And some sort of nose spray for my sinuses.

Ok virus or bacteria – I’ve armed myself with new weapons. Let’s see who wins in the end.




Spring is struggling.. my mucklor I made a few years back are standing in the snow anxiously awaiting sunshine and warm weather. So am I. But from my corner. Even though this winter has been easy on us weather wise I have never experienced a winter with me being sick for so long and being so tired. I want to wake up tomorrow full of new energy. With the sun shining. And spring back on track.



This morning it was freezing outside so some of the snow was still there.  No spring yet..

This week my cold has returned with new force.  Thought I was getting better but after a short break feeling pretty ok it knocked me down again. Oh well.

Snow and hail


Woke up this morning and winter had returned. I knew it would be some snow again but this was ridiculous.  And on my way home from work it started to hail. It was not nice in any way what so ever. Fortunately the subway and bus still ran as they should so I made it home without delays. 

Now I just finished my salad and started the laundry. Long week ahead.

Sunday treat


An amazing Sunday with clear blue sky and sunshine – after a real treat for lunch (waffles with blackberry jam and whipped cream) we took a nice walk around the lake. It took almost 70 min to walk the 5,7km. It was really nice but quite cold.  About 2C (35F) and windy.

So now some tea to warm up before it’s time to start preparing the lasagna for dinner. 



This morning the back yard was white of snow again.  Not much but enough to cover the grass. But fortunately I have a big bouquet of spring in my livingroom.

And I need a new reason to watch Let’s Dance now that Phoenix is no longer in the competition… Maybe my vote goes to Patrik Sjöberg- I was there when he broke the world record in high jump back in 1987. Another amazing memory from my career as a referee. That evening at Stockholm Stadion was magical.

Made it


I made it! I have been so tired all week. Maybe it’s due to my new healthier life. Making the body adjust to less energy to get by on. And now a whole weekend to enjoy with nothing major planned. Just going to focus on getting better and back to life again.

Now time for a quiet evening in my corner enjoying “fredagsmys”. Have a great eve! 

Doing good


My healthy week continous.. bulgur sallad for lunch .. and I did my exercises too .. and didn’t cheat once all week with sweets. I just hope it will reward me with some results soon. Preferably sooner than later.