Alfred Nobel


One of the most famous Swedish people is probably Alfred Nobel and the award in his memory – the Nobel Prize – which is handed out December 10 every year in Stockholm in four categories – physics,  chemistry, medicine and literature. And every year in Oslo – the peace prize.

It all started back in 1901. In 1969 the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Science was added to the list of awards.

As a Swede I am of course proud of this tradition – and I am looking forward to see it on tv later on this evening.

Two more

2 more weeks – 9 days left to work this year.

Can’t believe how quickly this year has passed and how much we have accomplished and experienced. I hope next year will bring us just as much joy and things to look forward to. Maybe we will get to travel some – or maybe we will be honored a visit from friends from abroad.. that would be amazing! 

2nd of Advent


A good day has almost come to an end. We have lit the second candle and now the whole family has cuddled up together in front of the tv to watch a movie.

Earlier today I went to see my niece in her dance show – she imagewas great!
Oh – and my amaryllis has started to bloom and we now have snow on the ground. Christmas is getting closer.

Christmas fair

imageEvery year my whole life we have had a fair in our church where we raise money to donate to charity. My mother is part of a craft club since 45 years and these amazing ladies organize this by themselves every year. A couple of years ago they passed 1.000.000 SEK in money they have raised so far over the years.

imageThe fair starts at 11.00 and after a short mass we start by having lunch together – rise porridge with cinnamon and caster sugar and some milk.
Then there are lotteries and tombola’s and all sorts of activities. Unfortunately they didn’t manage to book a Lucia parade and this means that not as many people will attend the fair. But, hopefully they managed to raise some money anyway.

imageMy friend Baltyky came to visit our church. It was really nice to see him and I think he really enjoyed to see and participate in our day.

imageIn the end of the day my mother and our kids picked all the winners from the lotteries. It’s been a long day but a real feel-good-one.



Still calm..


Woke up this morning and expected a winter wonderland outside the window but no.. just pooring rain. They said on the news that it will start snowing this afternoon.  Hmm.. I believe it when I see it.

Happy Friday everyone and may the best idol win tonight!

Calm before the storm

Today might be the last snow free

day in a while. They have promised snow and tons of it. Some prognosises say 10-20″ which will definitely cause a lot of problems if it’s true.
So, let the winter begin and may we have a white Christmas!

Same procedure..

.. as every year, James.. Lol (my Swedish readers understand what I am referring to). IMG_20121127_191038

When something breaks and you need to replace it only to find out that this particular thing isn’t manufactured anymore and you now need to replace the whole thing. I hate that. I am still living in a world where it should be worth fixing things, getting things repaired and taken cared of. Not have to buy new new new all the time and throw away old stuff. The mountain of garbage is getting too big.

Energy boost


Amazing how much a small change can impact on your energy and spirit. Change of clothes, new haircolor, good food, wellness.. give yourself a boost of something to kick start new energy. Maybe something as easy as a bouquet of fresh tulips.. or a hug from your near and dear..


The Norwegian singer Ane Brun has recorded a wonderful version of Beyonces’ song Halo accompanied only by a couple of cellos. I just love it. She performed it on TV Friday eve and it’s already become my new favorite.

On my way home now. Listening to my new favorite and having a moment before it’s time to go on. Have a great Monday! 

1st of Advent


Finally. Our house is getting decorated for Advent with all the candles in the windows and the light nets in the garden.

Time to light the first candle and open the first door in the advent calendar.  Let’s hope it brings hope and peace.

Let December begin.