New baby

A lot of things to celebrate today and on top of all our princess Madeleine gave birth to a baby girl. Her husband was on the news sharing their joy.

My biggest joy today had nothingimage to do with babies and everything to do with hockey.  Can’t wait for Sunday, tucked in my corner cheering on our pride and joy.

Added a counter here today – looking forward to see if anyone is interested in “the world – as I see it”..

Sotji – day 14


A very good day for Sweden !

We managed to win the bronze in curling after a very nerv wracking game against China.




Anna Holmlund won a bronze in ski-cross and our 17 year old Sandra Näslund came in 5th. Great job!


And our hockey team – Tre Kronor – managed to defeat Finland in the semi finals. Wonderful!

US-Canada tonight – I wonder who we will meet on Sunday..


Our slalom ladies managed quite well – two top 6 – but no medals.. 🙁

Sushi and snow


This morning we were surprised to find the world dressed in snow again. Really pretty but hey – we want spring now! It’s been quite cold again too so I guess the snow will remain on the ground for a bit.


Sushi for lunch. I always swap the white fish and the shrimp for avocado. Sushi House on Brahegatan usually has really good sushi but I was disappointed today for some reason. Can’t really set the finger on why.

Sotji – day 13


This was not the best day for Sweden.. but, we did achieve a silver medal in women curling.  Our new team has almost managed to maintain the high level our old team had – team Norberg won gold the last two Olympics. 

Our ladies lost the bronze game in ice hockey with 4-2 after being in the lead 2-0 after two periods. What happened? However, fourth place is a great position so good work!

We had really high expectations on our guys in ski-cross but they had a very bad day in the slopes and didn’t even manage to get to the semi finals.

New day tomorrow! 



Still coughing pretty bad. I’m getting sick and tired if this now. Hope my new medicine will work. 

Two more days then the school closes for a week of winter break. Without snow. I will be home with my kids for a couple of days. Looking forward to that! 

Sotji – day 12


What a day!

First we won the ice hockey quarter final with 5-0 towards Slovenia. Finland just defeated Russia and will be our opponents in the semi finals.

Then we managed to achieve two bronze medals in the team sprint classic – and our curling ladies played themselves to the finale by defeating Switzerland in the semi finals.

Now we have another semifinal in curling today – the guys this time – and also our figure skater Victoria Helgesson is competing.




I am so sick of this cough – it’s been almost a month now. So today I went to the doctors and they gave me my favorite answer – it’s a virus.. got new cough medicine but no antibiotics.  Not much else to do than just try to survive a bit longer. My body feels like it has ran a marathon or something.

Sotji – day 11


Not a very exciting day for Sweden. Our giant slalom ladies all managed to complete their race but no medals unfortunately. 
Tomorrow will be a much more eventful day starting with the quarter final in ice hockey.

Pyssel hos S – 17 feb 2014


Vi har lite blandpyssel och mysar efter en god paj till middag. Jag stickar, de andra gör dörrskylt, viker servetter och klipper tyg till en Minecraft figur. Härlig skön kväll! 

Sotji – day 10

wpid-IMG_20140209_113625.jpgWhat a day – biathlon postponed one more day and not much else to do than wait for that fog to go away.

Sweden-USA in the ladies semi finals in ice hockey.. not going too well though with a crushing 6-1 lead for the US as we speak. But, it is very good that we have managed to get this far considering we are not a top hockey nation and not even ranked very high. A bronze game awaits on Thursday – most likely towards Switzerland (they are playing Canada tonight).

Still some curling left today to enjoy – other than that no more Swedish participants today as far as I know.