
Plumbers came today and put the toilet back in place. They also put up all the pipes and the basin but not the bath tub yet. Still need the carpenters to fix the ceiling.

imageManaged to fit in a quick visit to IKEA tonight after dinner – but I wasn’t able to focus. Too tired. We managed to pick out the mirror we had looked at on the internet with a glass shelf underneath. I hope it will look nice.

The perfect surprise would be to come home tomorrow and find the bathroom done. Finally take that hot bath I have been longing for all fall. Yeah!


The yearly dentist appointment went well – no dental cavities orimage problems of any major sort. I had a small splinter come out of one of my teeth the other week – don’t know what I chewed on – and he fixed that for me. 1000 kr less in my wallet later I was on my way home.

Our house was crowded with builders when I left this morning but I can’t say I am very impressed with their work effort. They did put up the plasterboards to cover the ceiling but.. no paint or nothing to finish it off. I was hoping they would have that part done after a full day.. but I think they only stayed here for an hour or two. Maybe tomorrow..



“Has anyone ever written anything for you?
In all your darkest hours have you ever heard me sing?
Listen to me now, you know I’d rather be alone
Than be without you, don’t you know

Has anyone ever given anything to you in your darkest hours?
Did you ever give it back?
Well, I have, I have given that to you
If it’s all I ever do this is your song

And the rain comes down
There’s no pain and there’s no doubt
It was easy to say, I believed in you everyday
If not for me then do it for the world

Has anyone ever written anything for you?
And in your darkest sorrow did you ever hear me sing?
Listen to me now you know I’d rather be alone
Than be without you, don’t you know

So, if not for me, then do it for yourself
If not for me, then do it for the world

Poet priest of nothing

Lyrics: Stevie Nicks

One more step

Yeah – we have wallpaper and carpet! No roof still, but hey – we imagehave wallpaper and carpet! I am happy. Tiny steps in the right direction. And I really like the boys choice of color.

This will be a good week – I’m sure! It has some really fun elements that I am looking forward to. It also has a few challenges, but hey – one step at a time and we will get there in the end.

Have a great Monday!

Grey and windy Sunday


Busy day trying to sort some of the house out – vacuuming, doing laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking .. my husband has put away the trampolin for the winter. Both busy with different things. I have also tried to clean the stuff that will go back into the bathroom next week – such as the radiator and bathtub. A lot easier to clean before it is back in the tiny room again.

Sawwpid-img_20140501_111322.jpg that my little yellow friends will have their own movie that is coming out next summer – Minions. Can’t wait. I don’t know why but I really enjoy them. The short movies are great but I also like the Dispicable Me-movies. A third one is coming out in 2017. Seems very far away.

A good healthy traditional hotpot filled with goodies is cooking on the stove – hopefully it will warm us up and make us all feel better.


The yearly bazar in our church Segeltorps Kyrka took place today. Usually it is held the first Saturday of December, but for some reason they decided to move it. The ladies working for the event were quite worried not many would come since they couldn’t really have the same X-mas theme as they usually do since it took place so early. But, I believe it was about as popular and crowded as it always is.image

All the profit they make are donated to a charity of some sort – this year the money goes to the Church of Swedens’ work in preventing genital mutilation of the women in Tanzania and the Scandinavian Mission for children in supporting orphanages in the Philippines.

So I am happy to help and give them a few hours of my time, enjoy the pleasure in being a part of this important cause and also buy some lottery tickets and a coffee. image

The day started with a short 15 min mass in church singing a few carols and listening to the priest saying  a few words. I should go more often to church – I really appreciate that moment. I have so many fond memories after almost 20 years singing in their choirs. Maybe I should start again. It gave me such joy.

Floor done

pebbleThis morning the plumbers were here before 7 to get the pipes done in order for the next worker to put in the carpet. He arrived sometime around lunch and now we have a pebble carpet in there. Yeah! Unfortunately he has covered it up with some sort of protection paper so I can’t show you just yet. On Monday he will return and put up the wallpapers. Then only a few more steps to complete.

Finally Friday – I need “fredagsmys” big time. I feel so exhausted with everything going on and my youngest has come down with some sort of flue and the rest of us aren’t in great shape either. We just had a wonderful fall break and after a few weeks back we have already used up all the energy we gained. Typical.


My oldest has been given a good exercise by his PE-teacher. The students have a choice between getting stronger, more flexible,  better shape, gain weight or loose weight. They need to write down a program with measurable steps that will helpwpid-IMG_20140110_141246.jpg them reach their goal. They will have a start-date and then an end-date when they will be re-measured and also evaluate if they managed to reach their goal – and if not, why so.

He has chosen to get more flexible and improve his build / posture which is great. Like many teenagers he spends a lot of time sitting down which is not great for his back. Let’s hope this program will do the trick! Yeah for good teachers!

One step at a time

Our never-ending project has finally reached the bottom.. meaning they will start re-building it now! We have received a green light as far as no mould or damage by damp. The carimagepenters have removed the old wallpaper and floor carpet, the plumbers have removed all the pipes. Now the carpet fitter is rebuilding the floor again and soon soon it will start looking like a proper bathroom again. One more week or so and then maybe it will be done.

Today it is extremely foggy outside – can barely see our neighbors house. It looks kind of spooky.

Red & yellow

This morning the world was presenting itself in amazing colors – the bright red berries and the light yellow leaves were really fantastic, so I had to take a picture. That happens a limageot – I take all sorts of pictures every day. It is a habit hard to break.

Long day at work today but I started the day with a 3k walk which was great. It’s been a while since I could do that for different reasons.

The bathroom is coming along slowly but surely. A lot of different people are here doing their bits – one fixing the floor, one the carpet, one the plumbing aso aso. Everybody need to wait for everybody else like a gigant puzzle. I hope they will finish the puzzle eventually.