More cake..

A nice long Saturday filled with chores – and I also baked a cakimagee which turned out great! I have baked my way through the apple recipes in the cookbook that I put together a few years back. This one is definitely a favorite – really worth trying!

Want the recipe – just follow the link!

Now I just came back from taking my youngest to his gym practice. A friend of his also came along today to try and see if he wants to start too. That would be fun for both of them.

He survived his gaming night but I assume he will be a bit tired at practice. I hope he is able to focus so he don’t injure himself.



Pingst – or Whitsun as it is called in English.  A lovely day spent with my mother and sister shopping for our children’s upcoming confirmation.  We found what we had in mind after a bit of research so that was great!

Now the meat is on the grill and my newly baked Karlsbad buns are fresh out of the oven. They will be perfect with a nice cup of coffee later. It is still very nice outside so dinner will be enjoyed in our back yard. Life is pretty good!