Sotji – last day

os2014What a day – we won a silver in the hockey final – Canada was the stronger team and congratulations to the winners are in order. But, great job Tre Kronor, you did us proud!

The 50 km skiers this morning didn’t manage to get to the top three but they came in 7th, 8th and 9th which is awesome.

We have had the best Olympic games in years – with 15 medals! 2 gold – 7 silver – 6 bronze. It has been two fun weeks with a lot of great events to follow! Already looking forward to the next one..

Sotji – day 15

wpid-IMG_20140207_192036.jpgThe Olympics has almost come to an end – only this weekend left to enjoy. It’s been one of the most successful Olympics in a long time for Sweden – and still chances left to fine performances and medals.

Today we had a poor start with the women 30 km cross country mass start. Our ski-queen was not really well today with a slight cold and she wasn’t able to match the other ladies. Emma Wiken was best of the Swedish ladies today and ended up on the 8th position. Very good job on her behalf.

The men’s slalom – second run starts in an hour – so far all four Swedes are doing quite well. Let’s hope one or two of the manages all the way – they are in the 2nd and 3rd position right now.

Men’s biathlon isn’t going well for us unfortunately. Our team has not been successful this year.

Sotji – day 14


A very good day for Sweden !

We managed to win the bronze in curling after a very nerv wracking game against China.




Anna Holmlund won a bronze in ski-cross and our 17 year old Sandra Näslund came in 5th. Great job!


And our hockey team – Tre Kronor – managed to defeat Finland in the semi finals. Wonderful!

US-Canada tonight – I wonder who we will meet on Sunday..


Our slalom ladies managed quite well – two top 6 – but no medals.. 🙁

Sotji – day 13


This was not the best day for Sweden.. but, we did achieve a silver medal in women curling.  Our new team has almost managed to maintain the high level our old team had – team Norberg won gold the last two Olympics. 

Our ladies lost the bronze game in ice hockey with 4-2 after being in the lead 2-0 after two periods. What happened? However, fourth place is a great position so good work!

We had really high expectations on our guys in ski-cross but they had a very bad day in the slopes and didn’t even manage to get to the semi finals.

New day tomorrow! 

Sotji – day 12


What a day!

First we won the ice hockey quarter final with 5-0 towards Slovenia. Finland just defeated Russia and will be our opponents in the semi finals.

Then we managed to achieve two bronze medals in the team sprint classic – and our curling ladies played themselves to the finale by defeating Switzerland in the semi finals.

Now we have another semifinal in curling today – the guys this time – and also our figure skater Victoria Helgesson is competing.


Sotji – day 11


Not a very exciting day for Sweden. Our giant slalom ladies all managed to complete their race but no medals unfortunately. 
Tomorrow will be a much more eventful day starting with the quarter final in ice hockey.

Sotji – day 10

wpid-IMG_20140209_113625.jpgWhat a day – biathlon postponed one more day and not much else to do than wait for that fog to go away.

Sweden-USA in the ladies semi finals in ice hockey.. not going too well though with a crushing 6-1 lead for the US as we speak. But, it is very good that we have managed to get this far considering we are not a top hockey nation and not even ranked very high. A bronze game awaits on Thursday – most likely towards Switzerland (they are playing Canada tonight).

Still some curling left today to enjoy – other than that no more Swedish participants today as far as I know.

Sotji – day 9


Our amazing male team (Nelson, Richardsson, Olsson and Hellner) defended their gold in relay 4x10km cross country from Vancouver!

Our cross country teams have achieved 9 medals so far which is amazing in itself. I don’t think they have missed top 3 once so far and even taken 2 medals in the same race a couple of times.image

Our curling teams are also doing great and will soon start playing in the semi final rounds.

We still have one more event with Swedish participants today – biathlon – which used to be a very big event in Sweden but this team has not proved themselves so far. Good luck today!

Sotji – day 8

imageWhat a day – first our ice hockey ladies managed to turn the quarter final around and win with 4-2 and are now in the semi finals! Then our women cross country skiers (Ida Ingemarsdotter, Emma Wikén, Anna Haag, Charlotte Kalla) fought themselves to a glorious victory in the 4x5km relay. Our last lady – Charlotte Kalla – managed to catch up 26 sec to the top two and win! Amazing! A nice golden medal each as a reward.

Curling going great too. Super G down hill was a small disaster for more than the Swedish skiers.. but hockey again tonight – Sweden vs Latvia (5-3). Life is pretty good!

Sotji – day 7


Oh how I wished I was tucked in my corner all day so that I could have watched our great skiers take the silver (Olsson) and the bronze (Richardsson) on the men 15k.


And also been able to watch our rock Alfredsson make the goal we needed to beat Switzerland in the ice hockey game. He is 41 years old and still going strong. Our team captain is injured and replaced by Kronwall for the rest of the Olympics.  Good thing that didn’t prevent us from winning!


This morning our guys won over China in curling – China was undefeated so far so that was a great achievement.

Watching the figure skating as we speak.. fingers crossed! (He took a new Swedish record and qualified for the singles free skating which is amazing!)