Yesterday my hubby surprised me with these lovely red tulips. So pretty! Loved them.
Woke up to a winder wonderland after a night with a lot of snowing. It’s not very nice outside though, windy and not very cold. No walk today. We (read hubby.. ) dug out the car and we went to get groceries. Back home again and crashed in our corners for a bit.
Going to cheer on our girls playing semi-finals in the WW18 hockey this afternoon. Towards the US. Not an easy game but not impossible to win.
PS! We almost made it. Lost 2-1. Play for the bronze tomorrow. Facing either Canada or Czechia.
First week done
Finally Friday and I’m back home safe and sound after the challenge walking on icy roads.
A very busy day at work with quite a lot to deal with. I’m so glad there is a whole weekend ahead to enjoy and I’m going to do my best to relax and regain energy.
Texted with my extended family and they are safe – the fires haven’t spread up north yet. Thank God.
Today was a challenge, as expected . So I wore my shoes with the nails under. Perfect. No need to take unnecessary risks. While in town all the ice was gone so there I would have preferred regular boots.
Brought some of the stew I made yesterday to work today. Perfect tasty and inexpensive lunch! I very rarely bring lunch with me to work – I prefer to enjoy someone else’s cooking for lunch. Lol. When I have my short days I usually eat lunch at home though.
Our girls managed to win their quarter final towards Switzerland in the World Women 18 Cup in ice hockey so semi finals awaits on Saturday. Fingers crossed they will make it one more step and reach the final. That would be great!
Puh – what a day. It’s so very slippery outside it is almost lethal to challenge the sidewalks trying to get to the bus or subway. I hope everyone manages without breaking a leg or arm. On my way home it started raining and tonight it will be below zero again – can’t wait for tomorrow..
Picked up some groceries on my way home and started this stew in my terrine. It is now in the oven and will remain there for 2-3 hrs before it is time to enjoy this for dinner. Hopefully it will turn out great. I just longed for some “real” food.
Back again
Back to work again after the holidays. Up early and arrived in time – no problems with the bus or underground that way.
Long day and quite busy – I’m by myself this week so I get to do some things I normally don’t do that often.
Going home was a bit of a challenge with delays and cancelled trains. Finally arrived home in time for a nice sausage w/ pasta dinner. Mmm. Now I’ve crashed in my corner, a bit extra tired after a long day.
Twelfth day
Twelfth day of Christmas and our last day off together. So glad I put in the extra effort yesterday and cleaned our freezer, which was well over due. Today we have a nice clean freezer ready for another year before I do it again. Lol.
This afternoon we went for a coffee to my parents together with my sis w/ family. All of us except the boys and youngest niece. So nice to just spend a few hours together enjoying my mom’s lovely saffron buns and other goodies. We took a walk back home to get some steps in.
Not that cold today and it’s been snowing off and on. Going to be a challenge getting to work tomorrow…
Saturday and no more vacation days this time – but a long weekend to enjoy!
We have been doing different house chores today and this afternoon I prepared a nice dinner for my troops. A lovely tenderloin steak with gratin and sauce bearnaise. Turned out really good, if I may say so.
No we are enjoying the last pieces of cheese left from Xmas along with a nice glass of red. We are watching a few more episodes of “The Count of Monte Cristo”while waiting for the semi finals to begin. Sweden managed to go thru and is facing Finland tonight. May the best team win. The other semi is between Czechia and the US.
PS! The game went to overtime and we lost… Bummer. Facing Czechia tomorrow. The US and Finland are playing for the gold.
Short drive
Another day off – the last one this time. Still an extended weekend ahead so that’s nice. Our youngest went to work and after lunch we took our oldest to see his friends. Then we had the afternoon to ourselves so we took a short drive over to Hågelby. This is where we had our wedding dinner almost 30 years ago. At the premises there is a small café and there we could enjoy some fika – coffee and a “hallongrotta” for me. Mmm.
Hubby has been working with our kitchen lights since we got back home and I have kept out of his way – lol.
It’s been a lovely sunny day again but -11C so even colder than yesterday. We didn’t take a walk today..
Quarter final
Today we tried a new car model – we have tried a few so far. Looking for an alternative for us to buy in a year or two and we are just trying to figure out which one we want next.
Afterwards we went to IKEA to buy a few things and then we went to the new grocery store – Matvärlden – to take a look around and also buy some food. There we found these Turkish and Arabic baklava and delights. Mmm.
This afternoon we went for a long walk together all three of us in the lovely sunny weather. It’s been very cold though with -8C this morning. Our youngest is working today and tomorrow.
Now I’m tucked in my corner cheering on our junior pride and joy playing the quarter finals towards Latvia. Hopefully we will play the same great game we have been so far and manage to go thru to the semi. Fingers crossed!
PS! We managed to win 3-2… But it was a close call. Hua.
Let 2025 begin
Winter came back with full force last night and now the garden is covered with snow again. Time to shovel some away to clear the way to the house and to get the car out if necessary.
A lazy day – we slept in really late as a result after arriving back home at 3AM.. Now some corner time watching the traditional January 1st day-movie “Ivanhoe”. Well, the guys are not interested, of course, it’s just me – and most likely my sister in her house.
No pizza tonight though – leftovers for us instead. We might order some pizza tomorrow instead when not half the city has the same intention. Lol. Happy New Year!