Easter egg

Midweek and today my employer surprised us with a candy-filled Easter egg as a treat. Lovely! Well, I wasn’t that surprised since I organized it .. but so nice to receive anyway! Miss my colleagues very much .

My parents stopped by to pick up a board game my sister wanted them to bring with them to our paradise over Easter break. We play a lot of board games down there – a great way to do something fun together. My sister and oldest son share a mutual interest in these games – the  rest of us are not quite as hooked by it is fun to play a game every now and then. 

I took my youngest to his dentist appointment this afternoon and it went really well. One of his old dental works needed to be repaired but other than that everything was fine. Great. New appointment booked end of April. 

Long Tuesday

I worked a long Tuesday and it was quite busy for the first part. We planned on getting Indian food for lunch but meetings interfered so I made a salad and my husband leftovers instead.

A lovely sunny day but no walk today since I had a full day. Maybe tomorrow.

Late dinner since my oldest has a late class on Tuesdays. He has a short break at 6.30 PM so we try to have dinner ready then. Minute steak w/ fries on the table tonight.

Week of Easter

A short week with Easter beginning on Thursday. So, only 3,5 workdays for us. My short day changed into a full day for various reasons (an outage among other things – hopefully back on track tomorrow).

I just love my pretty yellow tulips! They make me smile. Feels like Easter is on the way!

Turkey filets in the oven – rise is just about ready. Veggies cut and served. I’m going to put my feet up for two seconds..

Rain snow hail ..

A very slow Sunday – with all sorts of weather. Rain – snow – hail and now sunshine. We had planned to change tires today but we’ll do that next weekend instead. No walk today either. I have spent the day in my corner watching movies and only made breaks for fixing lunch and dinner for the troops. Lol.

Also we changed to summer time today – which is always very confusing and takes me a few days to adjust to.

Tonight Sweden is facing Kosovo in the second game in the qualification rounds in soccer. We won against Georgia the other day. The other teams in our group are Spain and Greece and only the winning team in the group is automatically qualified. So, each game counts and is important to win.

Parrot tulips

Today our new neighbors moved in – we haven’t said hello yet, maybe we’ll get a chance tomorrow. Fun! 

A regular Saturday with grocery shopping etc. Color of the week on my tulips – yellow parrot tulips. So pretty! Real Easter feeling! 

My husband has washed our windows from the outside today and I washed them from the inside. Didn’t bother to shower all my house plants though as I usually do.  But so nice with clean windows. 

Played some online games with my sister and nieces tonight – fun! We had a great time – so glad we can “see” each other for a bit even though not in person. 


Friday again and this afternoon me and my oldest managed to fit in one of our great walks in the forrest. We chose the Domherren trail which took us almost 1,5 hrs (via our local store for some snacks on our way back).

Once we got home and I registered our exercise in my app I received this award for just completing my walk number 200. Yeah! Not sure when the count started  but nice to get the award anyway.

Managed to complete my 25 fruit/veggies/berries in a week (or five days really). Two more today – made a pasta dish with shallots for lunch and then I had an apple this afternoon. Voilá! Celebrating with pizza tonight. Lol.

Waffle day

A very busy and stressful day.. with both some ups and downs but over all ok. And I have made great progress on my veggie-challenge! Had raw spiced salmon (gravlax) for lunch, served with cottage cheese and some veggies. No new ones though.

But for dinner I made a salad including green olives, oven baked onions and potatoes, broccoli, brussel sprouts, kidney beans and mushrooms. 6 new ones. Added the mushrooms in case the soup doesn’t count. Lol. And tonight I will treat my family a waffle (national theme day today) served with raspberries & whipped cream. One more to tick off. 7 today + 16 up until yesterday. Only need two more for tomorrow. Yeah!

Great game on tonight – Zlatan is back in our national soccer team and we are facing Georgia tonight in the qualification round for the World Championships. The European Qualifiers are divided into Group A-J with 5-6 teams in each group. 54 teams all together. Only the winning team in each group is automatically qualified. The second team goes to play off. So, every game is important.

New delivery

Today my parents came over with the rest of the cordial – red currants this time. Very tasty! Thank you so much!

My short day was extended a few hours but I have gotten a lot done which feels good.

Nice and sunny outside today but I didn’t feel like walking after work.

Trying to figure out what to make for dinner.. Need to include some new veggies. Hm.. Had mushroom soup for lunch – does that count as a veggie? Maybe we can pick up something – the fridge is kind of low on choices.

PS! Great progress – had shrimp salad for dinner .. rocket salad, red onions, black olives, green bell peppers, avocado, carrots and a slice of lemon (besides the veggies I’ve already had this week) – so seven new ones. And I had a banana tonight. Which makes 6+1+1+7+1 = 16 different fruits/veggies so far this week. Tomorrow will be a challenge but I still have a couple of choices at home to add to my list of fruits/veggies/berries to manage 25 different ones.

Afternoon coffee

My mom had finished making the black currant cordial and they took a walk over to deliver it. So we had a nice afternoon coffee together out in the sun. Lovely and thank you so much for the cordial – both for making it and for bringing it over. ❤

A quite busy afternoon and I stayed over for a bit too. Made chicken with rise for dinner. Trying to continue my veggie-challenge so I had corn tonight. Only one new veggie. Hmm. This will be harder than I thought. I had plenty of other veggies today, but they don’t count in the this challenge since I need 25 different ones.


They talked about healthy eating the other day on the TV and said that we should eat 25 different vegetables (fruit and berries included) per week. A quite difficult and tricky challenge, but why not try and give it a go? 

My lunch today consisted of lettuce, butter beans (a large white bean), beetroots, artichokes, tomatoes, cottage cheese and a boiled egg. Mm. 5 veggies. A great start. I’m going to make cod for dinner – might serve it with green peas to add another veggie.